Thanks to api provided by eve-echoes-market, the below table list all items buy and sell price in eve echoes market (updated several times daily).
Eve Echoes All Item Market Price
name | sell | buy | lowest_sell | highest_buy |
Griffin | 1070000.0 | 138000.0 | 800000.0 | 262000.0 |
Bantam | 5160000.0 | 895000.0 | 4240000.0 | 2501000.0 |
Bantam II | 596000.0 | 1450000.0 | ||
Condor | 4700.0 | 322.0 | 4000.0 | 3000.0 |
Merlin | 63300.0 | 3680.0 | 63261.0 | 31011.0 |
Kestrel | 112000.0 | 10500.0 | 100000.0 | 125727.93 |
Condor II | 1510000.0 | 589000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1250000.0 |
Condor Interceptor | 33400.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Condor II Interceptor | 25000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Merlin Assault | 69300000.0 | 13800000.0 | 64999999.0 | 50000000.0 |
Manticore | 23500000.0 | 7430000.0 | 20500000.0 | 17500000.0 |
Manticore II | 3000000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Heron | 126000.0 | 1890.0 | 125727.0 | 55000.0 |
Heron Covert Ops | 7860000.0 | 3020000.0 | 7255555.0 | 4694952.93 |
Vigil | 1120000.0 | 231000.0 | 850000.0 | 600000.0 |
Burst | 7190000.0 | 776000.0 | 5750000.0 | 3250000.0 |
Burst II | 26100000.0 | 9170000.0 | 23500000.0 | 17258000.0 |
Slasher | 2330.0 | 328.0 | 1000.0 | 1200.0 |
Rifter | 63300.0 | 15700.0 | 63261.0 | 26000.0 |
Breacher | 126000.0 | 12900.0 | 125727.0 | 61000.0 |
Slasher II | 1700000.0 | 536000.0 | 1540000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Breacher Assault | 70700000.0 | 7940000.0 | 62000000.0 | 35000000.0 |
Hound | 25600000.0 | 10600000.0 | 23999999.0 | 18707000.0 |
Probe | 122000.0 | 26300.0 | 121760.0 | 50000.0 |
Probe Covert Ops | 8600000.0 | 1870000.0 | 7750000.0 | 6000001.0 |
Crucifier | 1970000.0 | 73500.0 | 1199999.0 | 710081.0 |
Inquisitor | 3550000.0 | 757000.0 | 2500000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Inquisitor II | 16100000.0 | 2670000.0 | 15000000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Executioner | 4870.0 | 495.0 | 2000.0 | 1500.0 |
Tormentor | 59100.0 | 12300.0 | 59129.0 | 18000.0 |
Punisher | 122000.0 | 6460.0 | 121759.0 | 52000.0 |
Executioner II | 1690000.0 | 122000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1400000.0 |
Executioner Interceptor | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Punisher Assault | 81700000.0 | 11300000.0 | 73000000.0 | 56000000.0 |
Purifier | 23200000.0 | 6490000.0 | 20500000.0 | 17122613.9 |
Magnate | 120000.0 | 15000.0 | 120000.0 | 52100.0 |
Magnate Covert Ops | 7210000.0 | 3330000.0 | 6800000.0 | 5100000.0 |
Maulus | 1300000.0 | 208000.0 | 990000.0 | 650000.0 |
Navitas | 5310000.0 | 620000.0 | 3900000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Navitas II | 20800000.0 | 2270000.0 | 19100000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Atron | 3530.0 | 569.0 | 2499.0 | 1200.0 |
Tristan | 55000.0 | 4310.0 | 55000.0 | 80000.0 |
Incursus | 115000.0 | 17900.0 | 115000.0 | 150000.0 |
Atron II | 1760000.0 | 289000.0 | 1200000.0 | 1050000.0 |
Atron II Interceptor | 500000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Incursus Assault | 74400000.0 | 6530000.0 | 66000000.0 | 36000011.0 |
Nemesis | 25500000.0 | 3480000.0 | 20000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Nemesis II | 150000.0 | 200000.0 | ||
Imicus | 100000.0 | 1160.0 | 100000.0 | 50000.0 |
Imicus Covert Ops | 8020000.0 | 3890000.0 | 7500000.0 | 6500000.0 |
Worm | 789000000.0 | 6840000.0 | 750000000.0 | 69999998.0 |
Dramiel | 597000000.0 | 45800000.0 | 500000000.0 | 398167236.94 |
Cruor | 1250000.0 | 4500000.0 | ||
Astero | 556000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Garmur | 31900000.0 | 600000000.0 | ||
Succubus | 667000000.0 | 33100000.0 | 630000000.0 | 500000000.0 |
Daredevil | 1000000000.0 | 468000.0 | 999999999.0 | 2177777.0 |
Cormorant Guardian | 12100000.0 | 2620000.0 | 11400000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Cormorant | 151000.0 | 45600.0 | 100000.0 | 72200.0 |
Corax | 2290000.0 | 231000.0 | 1251111.0 | 1996658.05 |
Cormorant II | 2430000.0 | 1060000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1200000.0 |
Cormorant Navy Issue | 12000000.0 | 2350000.0 | 12000000.0 | 7200000.0 |
Corax Assault | 120000000.0 | 3140000.0 | 109999999.0 | 20000000.0 |
Corax Trainer | 215000.0 | 7980.0 | 150000.0 | 35000.0 |
Corax Sniper | 39600000.0 | 4460000.0 | 32400000.0 | 23000000.0 |
Cormorant Covert Ops | 502.0 | 502.0 | ||
Thrasher Guardian | 13900000.0 | 3370000.0 | 11750500.0 | 7000000.0 |
Thrasher | 168000.0 | 720.0 | 139000.0 | 100000.0 |
Talwar | 2620000.0 | 1000000.0 | 2250000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Thrasher II | 2370000.0 | 22.5 | 2000000.0 | 1600000.0 |
Thrasher Fleet Issue | 12800000.0 | 3250000.0 | 11855555.0 | 9500000.0 |
Talwar Assault | 118000000.0 | 1060000.0 | 115000000.0 | 12002000.0 |
Talwar Trainer | 187000.0 | 21400.0 | 140000.0 | 100000.0 |
Talwar Sniper | 37100000.0 | 4890000.0 | 33900000.0 | 25153648.15 |
Thrasher Covert Ops | 133000.0 | 400000.0 | ||
Coercer Guardian | 10100000.0 | 4000000.0 | 9400000.0 | 5000200.0 |
Coercer | 154000.0 | 35300.0 | 150000.0 | 172834.86 |
Dragoon | 2680000.0 | 67500.0 | 2100000.0 | 1700000.0 |
Coercer II | 2860000.0 | 782000.0 | 2200000.0 | 1852347.5 |
Coercer Navy Issue | 9570000.0 | 957000.0 | 9450000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Dragoon Assault | 110000000.0 | 264000.0 | 109999999.0 | 1000002.0 |
Dragoon Trainer | 131000.0 | 19600.0 | 87000.0 | 55000.0 |
Dragoon Sniper | 27700000.0 | 5810000.0 | 25000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
Coercer Covert Ops | 100.0 | 100.0 | ||
Catalyst Guardian | 9270000.0 | 2890000.0 | 8850000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Catalyst | 160000.0 | 54300.0 | 160000.0 | 230000.0 |
Algos | 2320000.0 | 494000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1929036.43 |
Catalyst II | 2160000.0 | 1170000.0 | 1800000.0 | 1505000.0 |
Catalyst Navy Issue | 12100000.0 | 1430000.0 | 11999999.0 | 9550000.0 |
Algos Assault | 118000000.0 | 383000.0 | 100000000.0 | 1000001.0 |
Algos Trainer | 144000.0 | 286.0 | 50000.0 | 65000.0 |
Algos Sniper | 31500000.0 | 3090000.0 | 25000000.0 | 17300000.0 |
Moa Guardian | 252000000.0 | 25400000.0 | 242999998.0 | 75000000.0 |
Blackbird | 84400000.0 | 9220000.0 | 70000000.0 | 40000010.0 |
Osprey | 247000000.0 | 2170000.0 | 245000000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Caracal | 24200000.0 | 5650000.0 | 23000000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Moa | 93200000.0 | 1260000.0 | 82239000.0 | 60000000.0 |
Caracal Navy Issue | 79400000.0 | 31900000.0 | 70000000.0 | 69000000.0 |
Caracal Trainer | 18500000.0 | 6020000.0 | 7000000.0 | 7200000.0 |
Moa Trainer | 80000000.0 | 2330000.0 | 80000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Caracal Sniper | 119000.0 | 1111111.0 | ||
Blackbird Covert Ops | 237000000.0 | 3870000.0 | 210000000.0 | 12961434.0 |
Blackbird II Covert Ops | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Rupture Guardian | 247000000.0 | 662000.0 | 239999999.0 | 1246435.0 |
Rupture II Guardian | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Bellicose | 76700000.0 | 1990000.0 | 66000000.0 | 13000000.0 |
Scythe | 270000000.0 | 5050000.0 | 269000000.0 | 25000000.0 |
Stabber | 25900000.0 | 8350000.0 | 23000000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Stabber Fleet Issue | 85900000.0 | 30600.0 | 79000000.0 | 63000000.0 |
Rupture | 84000000.0 | 16200000.0 | 80000000.0 | 65100000.0 |
Stabber Trainer | 9000000.0 | 2450000.0 | 8000000.0 | 6500000.0 |
Rupture Trainer | 70800000.0 | 6400000.0 | 70000000.0 | 40000000.0 |
Stabber Sniper | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
Bellicose Covert Ops | 273000000.0 | 216000.0 | 240000000.0 | 345429.0 |
Maller Guardian | 205000000.0 | 3420000.0 | 175000000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Maller II Guardian | 100.0 | 100.0 | ||
Arbitrator | 5390000.0 | 30000000.0 | ||
Augoror | 267000000.0 | 200000000.0 | 230000000.0 | |
Omen | 20000000.0 | 4020000.0 | 19000000.0 | 17000000.0 |
Maller | 82300000.0 | 21500000.0 | 71000000.0 | 65500000.0 |
Omen Navy Issue | 79700000.0 | 12300000.0 | 74000000.0 | 58000000.0 |
Omen Trainer | 8780000.0 | 4470000.0 | 8500000.0 | 6900000.0 |
Maller Trainer | 87000000.0 | 102000.0 | 87000000.0 | 20000010.0 |
Omen Sniper | 133000.0 | 300000.0 | ||
Arbitrator Covert Ops | 285000000.0 | 39600000.0 | 250000000.0 | 200000000.0 |
Thorax Guardian | 249000000.0 | 3780.0 | 249000000.0 | 11111.0 |
Celestis | 62100000.0 | 45000000.0 | 52175741.0 | |
Exequror | 250000000.0 | 130000000.0 | 248999999.0 | 129920016.7 |
Vexor | 26800000.0 | 8840000.0 | 24900000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Vexor Navy Issue | 80400000.0 | 273000.0 | 75000000.0 | 49742168.7 |
Thorax | 85200000.0 | 8220000.0 | 84000000.0 | 58010000.0 |
Vexor Trainer | 5930000.0 | 1750000.0 | 3200000.0 | 2800000.0 |
Thorax Trainer | 75000000.0 | 5870000.0 | 75000000.0 | 40000000.0 |
Vexor Sniper | 16000.0 | 16000.0 | ||
Celestis Covert Ops | 252000000.0 | 109000.0 | 239999995.0 | 128754.0 |
Thorax Prototype | 27600000.0 | 4290000.0 | 24000000.0 | 14500000.0 |
Gila | 4230000.0 | 500000000.0 | ||
Cynabal | 272000.0 | 11000000.0 | ||
Ashimmu | 659000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
Stratios | 99400.0 | 4000000.0 | ||
Orthrus | 1190000.0 | 15000000.0 | ||
Phantasm | 1240000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Vigilant | 7280000.0 | 50000000.0 | ||
Ferox Guardian | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
Naga | 38500.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Naga II | 819.0 | 999.0 | ||
Ferox | 370000000.0 | 9950000.0 | 353000000.0 | 200000000.0 |
Drake | 1470000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Cyclone II Guardian | 1100.0 | 1100.0 | ||
Tornado II | 10000000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Hurricane Logistics | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
Cyclone | 353000000.0 | 49900000.0 | 344000000.0 | 280000000.0 |
Hurricane | 14.2 | 22.0 | ||
Hurricane Prototype | 355000000.0 | 11200000.0 | 345000000.0 | 251999997.0 |
Prophecy Guardian | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Prophecy II Guardian | 426000.0 | 1276859.0 | ||
Oracle | 334000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Oracle II | 542000.0 | 542000.0 | ||
Harbinger Logistics | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Prophecy | 348000000.0 | 14000000.0 | 333333333.0 | 305100000.0 |
Harbinger | 170000.0 | 538602.0 | ||
Harbinger Prototype | 351000000.0 | 22600000.0 | 312222222.0 | 270000000.0 |
Myrmidon Guardian | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Myrmidon II Guardian | 22.9 | 260000.0 | ||
Talos | 20000000.0 | 20000000.0 | ||
Talos II | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Myrmidon | 366000000.0 | 5350000.0 | 314987654.0 | 235000000.0 |
Brutix | 664000.0 | 3010000.0 | ||
Scorpion | 6140.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Raven Striker | 52700.0 | 198056.0 | ||
Rokh | 182000.0 | 900000.0 | ||
Raven | 143000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Maelstrom Striker | 460.0 | 500.0 | ||
Tempest | 578.0 | 1732.0 | ||
Armageddon | 800.0 | 800.0 | ||
Apocalypse Striker | 11700.0 | 25689.0 | ||
Apocalypse | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Abaddon | 5430.0 | 34687.0 | ||
Megathron Striker | 232.0 | 12000.0 | ||
Dominix | 313000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Megathron | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Hyperion | 478.0 | 200000.0 | ||
Rattlesnake | 1320000.0 | 10000001.0 | ||
Machariel | 172000.0 | 1000001.0 | ||
Bhaalgorn | 1940.0 | 200000.0 | ||
Nestor | 3200.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Barghest | 147000.0 | 800000.0 | ||
Nightmare | 103.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Vindicator | 54300.0 | 350000.0 | ||
Tayra | 62400000.0 | 27100.0 | 53199999.0 | 41000000.0 |
Badger | 50000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Badger II | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Wreathe | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Mammoth | 54200000.0 | 12900000.0 | 42000000.0 | 40000000.0 |
Wreathe II | 451.0 | 451.0 | ||
Bestower | 43700000.0 | 7720000.0 | 38000000.0 | 17010000.0 |
Sigil | 1000.0 | 2000.0 | ||
Sigil II | 420.0 | 420.0 | ||
Kryos | 57900000.0 | 11400000.0 | 54500000.0 | 37600000.0 |
Nereus | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Nereus II | 5.0 | 5.0 | ||
Nereus High Mobility | 33700000.0 | 8840000.0 | 30000000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Nereus Combat | 110000000.0 | 3830000.0 | 100000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Nereus Hauling | 2500000.0 | 25000000.0 | ||
Imicus High Mobility | 511000.0 | 233000.0 | 511000.0 | 340001.0 |
Humpback High Mobility | 167000.0 | 201000.0 | ||
Humpback Hauling | 50000.0 | 150000.0 | ||
Humpback Combat | 18.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Retriever | 139000000.0 | 32400000.0 | 133333333.0 | 120000000.0 |
Procurer | 936000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Covetor | 2510000.0 | 30000000.0 | ||
Venture Trainer | 91900.0 | 36.7 | 48000.0 | 40000.0 |
Venture | 692000.0 | 429000.0 | 623000.0 | 600000.0 |
Venture II | 5220000.0 | 3050000.0 | 4800000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Venture III | 14600000.0 | 9800000.0 | 14450000.0 | 14000000.0 |
MK1 Small Rifled Railgun | 1400.0 | 1050.0 | 1000.0 | 1503.0 |
MK3 Small Rifled Railgun | 2480.0 | 1290.0 | 1200.0 | 2722.0 |
MK5 Small Rifled Railgun | 11200.0 | 5840.0 | 6000.0 | 10874.0 |
MK7 Small Rifled Railgun | 42300.0 | 13000.0 | 14000.0 | 22918.0 |
MK9 Small Rifled Railgun | 156000.0 | 16400.0 | 79000.0 | 31505.0 |
'Musket' Small Rifled Railgun | 46000.0 | 1610.0 | 21000.0 | 8000.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Rifled Railgun | 396000.0 | 15700.0 | 264445.0 | 246800.0 |
Federation Navy Small Rifled Railgun | 600000.0 | 909.0 | 345000.0 | 300000.0 |
Dread Guristas Small Rifled Railgun | 227000.0 | 333350.0 | ||
Shadow Serpentis Small Rifled Railgun | 333000.0 | 333350.0 | ||
'Quafe' Small Rifled Railgun | 3570000.0 | 138000.0 | 1000000.0 | 1100000.0 |
Coreli C-Type Small Rifled Railgun | 33000000.0 | 7500000.0 | 28999999.0 | 15000000.0 |
MK5 Medium Rifled Railgun | 44500.0 | 42900.0 | 28000.0 | 56000.0 |
MK7 Medium Rifled Railgun | 91200.0 | 69500.0 | 60000.0 | 94702.0 |
MK9 Medium Rifled Railgun | 301000.0 | 79600.0 | 150000.0 | 141000.0 |
'Flintlock' Medium Rifled Railgun | 17400.0 | 5230.0 | 7000.0 | 8000.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Rifled Railgun | 627000.0 | 146000.0 | 333333.0 | 152100.0 |
Federation Navy Medium Rifled Railgun | 1110000.0 | 100000.0 | 530000.0 | 100003.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Medium Rifled Railgun | 1330000.0 | 1333400.0 | ||
'Magnate' Medium Rifled Railgun | 19700000.0 | 3820000.0 | 15000000.0 | 12000000.0 |
Corelum C-Type Medium Rifled Railgun | 38600000.0 | 13300000.0 | 28000000.0 | 23000000.0 |
MK7 Large Rifled Railgun | 678000.0 | 289000.0 | 340000.0 | 376000.0 |
MK9 Large Rifled Railgun | 978000.0 | 273000.0 | 750000.0 | 600000.0 |
'Popper' Large Rifled Railgun | 71200.0 | 2740.0 | 30000.0 | 80000.0 |
Caldari Navy Large Rifled Railgun | 6770000.0 | 453000.0 | 3000000.0 | 700000.0 |
Federation Navy Large Rifled Railgun | 3810000.0 | 287000.0 | 1800000.0 | 1000000.0 |
'Poison' Large Rifled Railgun | 24600000.0 | 2360000.0 | 13500000.0 | 4560000.0 |
Core C-Type Large Rifled Railgun | 78300000.0 | 32500000.0 | 60000000.0 | 33300000.0 |
Civilian Small Snubnosed Railgun | 3000.0 | 7.0 | 2999.0 | 10.0 |
MK1 Small Snubnosed Railgun | 1050.0 | 1020.0 | 375.0 | 2302.0 |
MK3 Small Snubnosed Railgun | 4420.0 | 1830.0 | 1400.0 | 5528.0 |
MK5 Small Snubnosed Railgun | 19300.0 | 14500.0 | 12000.0 | 22600.0 |
MK7 Small Snubnosed Railgun | 41500.0 | 16200.0 | 20000.0 | 46664.0 |
MK9 Small Snubnosed Railgun | 160000.0 | 27300.0 | 50000.0 | 40001.0 |
'Dealer' Small Snubnosed Railgun | 17900.0 | 917.0 | 6800.0 | 35000.0 |
Federation Navy Small Snubnosed Railgun | 394000.0 | 132000.0 | 210000.0 | 180000.0 |
'Quafe' Small Snubnosed Railgun | 2160000.0 | 161000.0 | 800000.0 | 325000.0 |
Coreli C-Type Small Snubnosed Railgun | 18000000.0 | 4580000.0 | 13999998.0 | 11000000.0 |
Civilian Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 11300.0 | 100.0 | 4800.0 | 100.0 |
MK5 Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 73200.0 | 80800.0 | 59999.0 | 91666.0 |
MK7 Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 198000.0 | 91400.0 | 120000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK9 Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 606000.0 | 28500.0 | 380000.0 | 285007.0 |
'Hustler' Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 93400.0 | 1800.0 | 10000.0 | 10013.0 |
Federation Navy Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 2990000.0 | 954000.0 | 1745000.0 | 1500000.0 |
'Magnate' Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 13800000.0 | 2960000.0 | 9400000.0 | 3500080.0 |
Corelum C-Type Medium Snubnosed Railgun | 27300000.0 | 6020000.0 | 20999999.0 | 14000000.0 |
MK7 Large Snubnosed Railgun | 1410000.0 | 454000.0 | 600000.0 | 650001.0 |
MK9 Large Snubnosed Railgun | 1980000.0 | 209000.0 | 1490000.0 | 1304001.0 |
'Swindler' Large Snubnosed Railgun | 140000.0 | 64500.0 | 85000.0 | 152000.0 |
Federation Navy Large Snubnosed Railgun | 2230000.0 | 292000.0 | 1400000.0 | 650000.0 |
'Poison' Large Snubnosed Railgun | 17000000.0 | 673000.0 | 8499999.0 | 2000000.0 |
Core C-Type Large Snubnosed Railgun | 43800000.0 | 18400000.0 | 32999999.0 | 22255556.0 |
MK1 Small Beam Laser | 3830.0 | 880.0 | 1199.0 | 2004.0 |
MK3 Small Beam Laser | 4690.0 | 2590.0 | 3500.0 | 5601.0 |
MK5 Small Beam Laser | 20800.0 | 13300.0 | 12500.0 | 22600.0 |
MK7 Small Beam Laser | 64900.0 | 21800.0 | 25000.0 | 50000.0 |
MK9 Small Beam Laser | 232000.0 | 28300.0 | 100000.0 | 50000.0 |
'Mace' Small Beam Laser | 82800.0 | 538.0 | 10000.0 | 20000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Beam Laser | 83000.0 | 10000.0 | 49997.0 | 20000.0 |
'Rebel' Small Beam Laser | 823000.0 | 91500.0 | 499999.0 | 141000.0 |
Centii C-Type Small Beam Laser | 12500000.0 | 1250000.0 | 9999999.0 | 1245865.0 |
Corpii C-Type Small Beam Laser | 16000000.0 | 1720000.0 | 9000000.0 | 2600000.0 |
MK5 Medium Beam Laser | 96700.0 | 82900.0 | 65000.0 | 91069.0 |
MK7 Medium Beam Laser | 219000.0 | 144000.0 | 185000.0 | 226001.0 |
MK9 Medium Beam Laser | 635000.0 | 98800.0 | 390000.0 | 220000.0 |
'Crossbow' Medium Beam Laser | 242000.0 | 12200.0 | 130000.0 | 31001.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Beam Laser | 1520000.0 | 364000.0 | 980000.0 | 950000.0 |
'Ritual' Medium Beam Laser | 9740000.0 | 1190000.0 | 7994999.0 | 3600000.0 |
Centum C-Type Medium Beam Laser | 22200000.0 | 3950000.0 | 16000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Medium Beam Laser | 26000000.0 | 4190000.0 | 17955555.0 | 11111111.0 |
MK7 Large Beam Laser | 1400000.0 | 327000.0 | 799999.0 | 680001.0 |
MK9 Large Beam Laser | 1990000.0 | 292000.0 | 1499998.0 | 880001.0 |
'Catapult' Large Beam Laser | 403000.0 | 41800.0 | 149999.0 | 96000.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Beam Laser | 2770000.0 | 568000.0 | 1200000.0 | 800000.0 |
True Sansha Large Beam Laser | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
'Ruin' Large Beam Laser | 14600000.0 | 368000.0 | 8000000.0 | 2000001.0 |
Centus C-Type Large Beam Laser | 55000000.0 | 784000.0 | 54999999.0 | 11500000.0 |
Corpus C-Type Large Beam Laser | 61100000.0 | 885000.0 | 48449000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Civilian Small Pulse Laser | 796.0 | 1.81 | 50.0 | 1000.0 |
MK1 Small Pulse Laser | 1610.0 | 1120.0 | 100.0 | 2156.0 |
MK3 Small Pulse Laser | 2800.0 | 1560.0 | 1510.0 | 2701.0 |
MK5 Small Pulse Laser | 8910.0 | 5790.0 | 4000.0 | 7261.0 |
MK7 Small Pulse Laser | 46800.0 | 10600.0 | 29998.0 | 30000.0 |
MK9 Small Pulse Laser | 271000.0 | 24400.0 | 150000.0 | 40000.0 |
'Longbow' Small Pulse Laser | 38000.0 | 1780.0 | 17000.0 | 10000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Pulse Laser | 2670000.0 | 209000.0 | 900000.0 | 900000.0 |
True Sansha Small Pulse Laser | 333000.0 | 333350.0 | ||
Dark Blood Small Pulse Laser | 333000.0 | 333350.0 | ||
'Rebel' Small Pulse Laser | 4200000.0 | 516000.0 | 2880000.0 | 1200000.0 |
Centii C-Type Small Pulse Laser | 44000000.0 | 2340000.0 | 25000000.0 | 5200000.0 |
Corpii C-Type Small Pulse Laser | 30200000.0 | 3660000.0 | 24900000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Civilian Medium Pulse Laser | 5860.0 | 400.0 | 4000.0 | 400.0 |
MK5 Medium Pulse Laser | 40700.0 | 39500.0 | 30000.0 | 47009.0 |
MK7 Medium Pulse Laser | 112000.0 | 56000.0 | 80000.0 | 92700.0 |
MK9 Medium Pulse Laser | 299000.0 | 76900.0 | 188000.0 | 164000.0 |
'Joust' Medium Pulse Laser | 65400.0 | 8640.0 | 29000.0 | 21500.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Pulse Laser | 972000.0 | 163000.0 | 795000.0 | 415000.0 |
True Sansha Medium Pulse Laser | 1330000.0 | 1333400.0 | ||
Dark Blood Medium Pulse Laser | 1330000.0 | 1333400.0 | ||
'Ritual' Medium Pulse Laser | 16600000.0 | 1170000.0 | 11000000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Centum C-Type Medium Pulse Laser | 29000000.0 | 9880000.0 | 21500000.0 | 17100000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Medium Pulse Laser | 33100000.0 | 8680000.0 | 25000000.0 | 20000000.0 |
MK7 Large Pulse Laser | 510000.0 | 224000.0 | 395000.0 | 391010.0 |
MK9 Large Pulse Laser | 893000.0 | 278000.0 | 700000.0 | 661002.0 |
'Halberd' Large Pulse Laser | 249000.0 | 21200.0 | 119999.0 | 41000.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Pulse Laser | 1490000.0 | 434000.0 | 899000.0 | 620000.0 |
'Ruin' Large Pulse Laser | 9990000.0 | 334000.0 | 5000000.0 | 3100003.0 |
Centus C-Type Large Pulse Laser | 52700000.0 | 4110000.0 | 49900000.0 | 10500001.0 |
Corpus C-Type Large Pulse Laser | 46100000.0 | 2210000.0 | 29900000.0 | 18000000.0 |
Civilian Small Autocannon | 90.4 | 26.8 | 1.0 | 120.0 |
MK1 Small Autocannon | 1510.0 | 1250.0 | 900.0 | 2005.0 |
MK3 Small Autocannon | 4130.0 | 1640.0 | 1999.0 | 3002.0 |
MK5 Small Autocannon | 16300.0 | 4200.0 | 5000.0 | 10872.0 |
MK7 Small Autocannon | 119000.0 | 19000.0 | 50000.0 | 63850.0 |
MK9 Small Autocannon | 246000.0 | 19000.0 | 75600.0 | 35000.0 |
'Jolt' Small Autocannon | 933000.0 | 210000.0 | 648000.0 | 500000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Autocannon | 2880000.0 | 605000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Domination Small Autocannon | 50000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
'Criminal' Small Autocannon | 4530000.0 | 933000.0 | 2950000.0 | 2750000.0 |
Gistii C-Type Small Autocannon | 44500000.0 | 9350000.0 | 42000000.0 | 35000000.0 |
Civilian Medium Autocannon | 4210.0 | 270.0 | 4000.0 | |
MK5 Medium Autocannon | 39600.0 | 45800.0 | 29000.0 | 56000.0 |
MK7 Medium Autocannon | 105000.0 | 52900.0 | 65000.0 | 97700.0 |
MK9 Medium Autocannon | 340000.0 | 26700.0 | 199990.0 | 135000.0 |
'Jolt' Medium Autocannon | 63000.0 | 4450.0 | 39000.0 | 20000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Autocannon | 1770000.0 | 317000.0 | 987200.0 | 987200.0 |
Domination Medium Autocannon | 1330000.0 | 1333400.0 | ||
'Free' Medium Autocannon | 10500000.0 | 4720000.0 | 9000000.0 | 7800000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Medium Autocannon | 21800000.0 | 6890000.0 | 15000000.0 | 13001000.0 |
MK7 Large Autocannon | 538000.0 | 222000.0 | 350000.0 | 391009.0 |
MK9 Large Autocannon | 867000.0 | 367000.0 | 675000.0 | 601000.0 |
'Jolt' Large Autocannon | 284000.0 | 77000.0 | 140000.0 | 150000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Autocannon | 3720000.0 | 449000.0 | 2500000.0 | 500001.0 |
'Elder' Large Autocannon | 7670000.0 | 828000.0 | 3299998.0 | 903000.0 |
Gist C-Type Large Autocannon | 44400000.0 | 3220000.0 | 37000000.0 | 9000000.0 |
MK1 Small Strike Cannon | 2240.0 | 1680.0 | 500.0 | 3022.0 |
MK3 Small Strike Cannon | 4190.0 | 1860.0 | 1000.0 | 5601.0 |
MK5 Small Strike Cannon | 25200.0 | 13400.0 | 13000.0 | 20009.0 |
MK7 Small Strike Cannon | 51500.0 | 19500.0 | 25000.0 | 36000.0 |
MK9 Small Strike Cannon | 196000.0 | 19400.0 | 99000.0 | 31000.0 |
'Jolt' Small Strike Cannon | 49400.0 | 25300.0 | 39500.0 | 30100.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Strike Cannon | 549000.0 | 5530.0 | 240000.0 | 79004.0 |
Domination Small Strike Cannon | 15000.0 | 15000.0 | ||
'Criminal' Small Strike Cannon | 715000.0 | 10300.0 | 340000.0 | 200020.0 |
Gistii C-Type Small Strike Cannon | 5860000.0 | 280000.0 | 3250000.0 | 1900000.0 |
MK5 Medium Strike Cannon | 91100.0 | 74700.0 | 50000.0 | 93800.0 |
MK7 Medium Strike Cannon | 212000.0 | 127000.0 | 160000.0 | 250000.0 |
MK9 Medium Strike Cannon | 674000.0 | 41400.0 | 368000.0 | 211000.0 |
'Jolt' Medium Strike Cannon | 1250000.0 | 149000.0 | 699999.0 | 380000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Strike Cannon | 2430000.0 | 608000.0 | 1298000.0 | 646369.0 |
Domination Medium Strike Cannon | 2670000.0 | 2666800.0 | ||
'Free' Medium Strike Cannon | 14600000.0 | 3550000.0 | 9787445.0 | 8000000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Medium Strike Cannon | 23300000.0 | 8570000.0 | 17000000.0 | 15000001.0 |
MK7 Large Strike Cannon | 1860000.0 | 446000.0 | 1200000.0 | 725000.0 |
MK9 Large Strike Cannon | 2160000.0 | 242000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1300000.0 |
'Jolt' Large Strike Cannon | 1840000.0 | 232000.0 | 425000.0 | 302000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Strike Cannon | 6240000.0 | 548000.0 | 4500000.0 | 600000.0 |
'Elder' Large Strike Cannon | 17500000.0 | 2000000.0 | 13990399.0 | 2000001.0 |
Gist C-Type Large Strike Cannon | 80000000.0 | 4110000.0 | 60000000.0 | 12000000.0 |
'The Returned' Small Jetstream Decomposer | 62400.0 | 12800.0 | 33000.0 | 26100.0 |
Yan-Jung Small Jetstream Decomposer | 287000.0 | 493600.0 | ||
'The Departed' Small Jetstream Decomposer | 458000.0 | 666700.0 | ||
'The Sacrificed' Small Jetstream Decomposer | 587000.0 | 874400.0 | ||
'Wei' C Small Jetstream Decomposer | 10.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
'The Returned' Medium Jetstream Decomposer | 1540000.0 | 380000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1000003.0 |
Yan-Jung Medium Jetstream Decomposer | 978000.0 | 1974400.0 | ||
'The Departed' Medium Jetstream Decomposer | 500.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
'The Sacrificed' Medium Jetstream Decomposer | 3500000.0 | 3497600.0 | ||
'Cheng' C Medium Jetstream Decomposer | 465.0 | 7232400.0 | ||
MK3 Miner | 46900.0 | 17200.0 | 37500.0 | 47700.0 |
MK5 Miner | 395000.0 | 262000.0 | 325000.0 | 400000.0 |
MK7 Miner | 1790000.0 | 7000000.0 | ||
MK9 Miner | 628000.0 | 800000.0 | ||
Single Diode Miner | 13900000.0 | 3810000.0 | 11800000.0 | 11500000.0 |
Gallente Miner | 1180000.0 | 6000000.0 | ||
ORE Miner | 1300000.0 | 3100000.0 | ||
'Ion' Miner | 22600000.0 | 4790000.0 | 20800000.0 | 15000000.0 |
MK5 Strip Miner | 290000.0 | 83000.0 | 200000.0 | 251000.0 |
MK7 Strip Miner | 1470000.0 | 771000.0 | 1100000.0 | 950000.0 |
MK9 Strip Miner | 4030000.0 | 557000.0 | 2500000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Single Diode Strip Miner | 13300.0 | 50000000.0 | ||
Gallente Strip Miner | 3330000.0 | 8100000.0 | ||
ORE Strip Miner | 3310.0 | 14000000.0 | ||
'Ion' Strip Miner | 324000.0 | 110000000.0 | ||
Civilian Small Missile Launcher | 97.1 | 26.9 | 1.0 | 60.0 |
MK1 Small Missile Launcher | 1130.0 | 1180.0 | 925.0 | 1560.0 |
MK3 Small Missile Launcher | 4270.0 | 1410.0 | 500.0 | 2618.0 |
MK5 Small Missile Launcher | 14700.0 | 5610.0 | 7999.0 | 25000.0 |
MK7 Small Missile Launcher | 55200.0 | 1320.0 | 25000.0 | 70000.0 |
MK9 Small Missile Launcher | 84200.0 | 17600.0 | 60000.0 | 30000.0 |
'Gallows' Small Missile Launcher | 426000.0 | 150000.0 | 330000.0 | 260000.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Missile Launcher | 2100000.0 | 496000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1100000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Missile Launcher | 1480000.0 | 248000.0 | 1000000.0 | 1000001.0 |
True Sansha Small Missile Launcher | 280000.0 | 400000.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Small Missile Launcher | 307000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Domination Small Missile Launcher | 212000.0 | 333450.0 | ||
'Discipline' Small Missile Launcher | 9760000.0 | 1310000.0 | 5499000.0 | 4600000.0 |
Pithi C-Type Small Missile Launcher | 42100000.0 | 9040000.0 | 34500000.0 | 19000000.0 |
Civilian Medium Missile Launcher | 5850.0 | 5.0 | 3000.0 | 5.0 |
MK5 Medium Missile Launcher | 44000.0 | 36600.0 | 30000.0 | 50001.0 |
MK7 Medium Missile Launcher | 103000.0 | 73800.0 | 72000.0 | 95700.0 |
MK9 Medium Missile Launcher | 288000.0 | 71900.0 | 180000.0 | 135000.0 |
'Challenger' Medium Missile Launcher | 719000.0 | 230000.0 | 499999.0 | 450000.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Missile Launcher | 8000000.0 | 2940000.0 | 6950000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Missile Launcher | 6080000.0 | 1290000.0 | 5499999.0 | 4000000.0 |
True Sansha Medium Missile Launcher | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Medium Missile Launcher | 25200.0 | 30000.0 | ||
Domination Medium Missile Launcher | 1330000.0 | 1333400.0 | ||
'Discipline' Medium Missile Launcher | 47600000.0 | 7620000.0 | 37500000.0 | 18620000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Missile Launcher | 123000000.0 | 7290000.0 | 98999988.0 | 70000000.0 |
MK7 Large Missile Launcher | 636000.0 | 271000.0 | 388888.0 | 375000.0 |
MK9 Large Missile Launcher | 883000.0 | 216000.0 | 520001.0 | 520000.0 |
'Gallows' Large Missile Launcher | 272000.0 | 67100.0 | 130000.0 | 140000.0 |
Caldari Navy Large Missile Launcher | 96700000.0 | 720000.0 | 60000000.0 | 777777.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Missile Launcher | 7130000.0 | 284000.0 | 4500000.0 | 301000.0 |
Domination Large Missile Launcher | 5000.0 | 5000.0 | ||
Hurricane Large Missile Launcher | 54400000.0 | 9580000.0 | 39000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
Pith C-Type Large Missile Launcher | 625000.0 | 2000001.0 | ||
MK5 Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 514000.0 | 367000.0 | 400000.0 | 561000.0 |
MK7 Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 311000.0 | 132000.0 | 225000.0 | 210000.0 |
MK9 Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 390000.0 | 50200.0 | 179999.0 | 180002.0 |
'Challenger' Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 6900000.0 | 2280000.0 | 5500000.0 | 6126000.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 20300000.0 | 4370000.0 | 16888888.0 | 15000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 17600000.0 | 6320000.0 | 15999999.0 | 15500000.0 |
True Sansha Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 1400000.0 | 2550001.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 1020000.0 | 2500000.0 | ||
Domination Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 1250000.0 | 2500000.0 | ||
Hurricane Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 106000000.0 | 7610000.0 | 95000000.0 | 41500000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Rapid Missile Launcher | 366000000.0 | 2850000.0 | 310000000.0 | 265000000.0 |
MK7 Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 829000.0 | 247000.0 | 600000.0 | 466666.0 |
MK9 Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 2000000.0 | 300000.0 | 900000.0 | 872001.0 |
'Gallows' Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 386000.0 | 116000.0 | 224000.0 | 160000.0 |
Caldari Navy Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 14900000.0 | 3300000.0 | 10000000.0 | 6000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 8630000.0 | 1330000.0 | 5900000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Hurricane Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 53800000.0 | 18500000.0 | 43999999.0 | 27000000.0 |
Pith C-Type Large Rapid Missile Launcher | 2340000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
MK5 Medium Torpedo Launcher | 74600.0 | 81600.0 | 52000.0 | 92666.0 |
MK7 Medium Torpedo Launcher | 224000.0 | 126000.0 | 190000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK9 Medium Torpedo Launcher | 503000.0 | 63200.0 | 330000.0 | 160000.0 |
'Challenger' Medium Torpedo Launcher | 36500.0 | 2310.0 | 10000.0 | 15000.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Torpedo Launcher | 1580000.0 | 257000.0 | 880000.0 | 451000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Torpedo Launcher | 3870000.0 | 614000.0 | 2000000.0 | 750000.0 |
Dread Guristas Medium Torpedo Launcher | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
Domination Medium Torpedo Launcher | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
'Heth' Medium Torpedo Launcher | 18500000.0 | 3310000.0 | 10000000.0 | 9000000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Torpedo Launcher | 51100000.0 | 4620000.0 | 20000000.0 | 13000000.0 |
MK3 Small Torpedo Launcher | 4030.0 | 1530.0 | 1500.0 | 5600.0 |
MK5 Small Torpedo Launcher | 19200.0 | 9990.0 | 11000.0 | 22601.0 |
MK7 Small Torpedo Launcher | 63900.0 | 18000.0 | 38000.0 | 46157.0 |
MK9 Small Torpedo Launcher | 199000.0 | 23600.0 | 90000.0 | 29001.0 |
'Balefire' Small Torpedo Launcher | 60400.0 | 7940.0 | 13000.0 | 22000.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Torpedo Launcher | 830000.0 | 97500.0 | 338888.0 | 110000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Torpedo Launcher | 421000.0 | 81000.0 | 300000.0 | 150000.0 |
True Sansha Small Torpedo Launcher | 667000.0 | 666700.0 | ||
'Heth' Small Torpedo Launcher | 2760000.0 | 275000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1250000.0 |
Pithi C-Type Small Torpedo Launcher | 26800000.0 | 5960000.0 | 24000000.0 | 9000011.0 |
MK7 Large Torpedo Launcher | 2030000.0 | 204000.0 | 1000000.0 | 600000.0 |
MK9 Large Torpedo Launcher | 2580000.0 | 167000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1350001.0 |
'Barrage' Large Torpedo Launcher | 2370000.0 | 35700.0 | 89877.0 | 71000.0 |
Caldari Navy Large Torpedo Launcher | 23700000.0 | 18500.0 | 14000000.0 | 120000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Torpedo Launcher | 6240000.0 | 223000.0 | 4300000.0 | 223000.0 |
Hurricane Large Torpedo Launcher | 14500000.0 | 467000.0 | 6000000.0 | 1280000.0 |
Pith C-Type Large Torpedo Launcher | 32000000.0 | 15400000.0 | 31999000.0 | 20500000.0 |
MK3 Small Energy Nosferatu | 45700.0 | 12500.0 | 28000.0 | 23000.0 |
MK5 Small Energy Nosferatu | 72000.0 | 44700.0 | 45000.0 | 70000.0 |
MK7 Small Energy Nosferatu | 266000.0 | 55900.0 | 109000.0 | 75200.0 |
MK9 Small Energy Nosferatu | 532000.0 | 21700.0 | 166000.0 | 54000.0 |
'Upir' Small Energy Nosferatu | 543000.0 | 24300.0 | 398000.0 | 380000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Energy Nosferatu | 2960000.0 | 358000.0 | 1770000.0 | 570000.0 |
True Sansha Small Energy Nosferatu | 150000.0 | 150000.0 | ||
'Vrykolakas' Small Energy Nosferatu | 4740000.0 | 667000.0 | 2335220.0 | 1000000.0 |
MK5 Medium Energy Nosferatu | 1390000.0 | 748000.0 | 900000.0 | 1500000.0 |
MK7 Medium Energy Nosferatu | 808000.0 | 224000.0 | 650000.0 | 600000.0 |
MK9 Medium Energy Nosferatu | 1300000.0 | 181000.0 | 950000.0 | 777777.0 |
'Upir' Medium Energy Nosferatu | 3380000.0 | 993000.0 | 2500000.0 | 1900000.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Energy Nosferatu | 18000000.0 | 6350000.0 | 12800000.0 | 8800269.0 |
Dark Blood Medium Energy Nosferatu | 80000.0 | 80000.0 | ||
'Vrykolakas' Medium Energy Nosferatu | 44400000.0 | 11900000.0 | 37000000.0 | 22100000.0 |
MK9 Large Energy Nosferatu | 6510000.0 | 1040000.0 | 4400000.0 | 3333333.0 |
'Upir' Large Energy Nosferatu | 2960000.0 | 141000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1300000.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Energy Nosferatu | 11300000.0 | 194000.0 | 8000000.0 | 223000.0 |
Dark Blood Large Energy Nosferatu | 5000000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
True Sansha Large Energy Nosferatu | 5000000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
'Vrykolakas' Large Energy Nosferatu | 37500000.0 | 274000.0 | 22222222.0 | 17000000.0 |
MK3 Small Energy Neutralizer | 599000.0 | 258.0 | 350000.0 | 160000.0 |
MK5 Small Energy Neutralizer | 1490000.0 | 259000.0 | 600000.0 | 280000.0 |
MK7 Small Energy Neutralizer | 2970000.0 | 332000.0 | 2000000.0 | 602100.0 |
MK9 Small Energy Neutralizer | 1500000.0 | 2000.0 | 1500000.0 | 61000.0 |
'Caltrop' Small Energy Neutralizer | 38200.0 | 2730.0 | 3000.0 | 5000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Energy Neutralizer | 374000.0 | 31900.0 | 98000.0 | 63100.0 |
'Moat' Small Energy Neutralizer | 265000.0 | 12900.0 | 198000.0 | 60000.0 |
MK5 Medium Energy Neutralizer | 4130000.0 | 908000.0 | 2599000.0 | 1564001.0 |
MK7 Medium Energy Neutralizer | 3790000.0 | 194000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1300000.0 |
MK9 Medium Energy Neutralizer | 27100.0 | 150000.0 | ||
'Caltrop' Medium Energy Neutralizer | 68600.0 | 4190.0 | 18999.0 | 80200.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer | 1150000.0 | 56300.0 | 320000.0 | 90900.0 |
'Moat' Medium Energy Neutralizer | 11200000.0 | 343000.0 | 5500000.0 | 888000.0 |
MK9 Large Energy Neutralizer | 362000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
'Caltrop' Large Energy Neutralizer | 1390000.0 | 292000.0 | 600000.0 | 750000.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Energy Neutralizer | 4970000.0 | 1080000.0 | 3000000.0 | 1666666.0 |
'Moat' Large Energy Neutralizer | 11200000.0 | 669000.0 | 7999999.0 | 3333333.0 |
MK3 Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 6880.0 | 2630.0 | 1949.0 | 8300.0 |
MK5 Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 32200.0 | 13000.0 | 20000.0 | 21000.0 |
MK7 Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 106000.0 | 29800.0 | 47000.0 | 35000.0 |
MK9 Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 684000.0 | 8820.0 | 165000.0 | 30000.0 |
'Squire' Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 1740.0 | 786.0 | 950.0 | 931.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 128000.0 | 2.0 | 45500.0 | |
'Knight' Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 431000.0 | 540.0 | 54999.0 | 1001.0 |
MK5 Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 121000.0 | 37500.0 | 69999.0 | 90109.0 |
MK7 Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 282000.0 | 105000.0 | 179999.0 | 215000.0 |
MK9 Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 682000.0 | 62300.0 | 449000.0 | 101000.0 |
'Squire' Medium Remote Capacitor Transmiiter | 20900.0 | 88.6 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 406000.0 | 7050.0 | 65000.0 | 7500.0 |
'Chivalry' Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 4040000.0 | 267000.0 | 1900000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK9 Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 2530000.0 | 285000.0 | 1500000.0 | 750001.0 |
'Squire' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 176000.0 | 4450.0 | 49999.0 | 5600.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 2750000.0 | 50000.0 | 890000.0 | |
'Chivalry' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter | 9670000.0 | 825000.0 | 1777777.0 | 1000000.0 |
MK3 Small Remote Shield Booster | 13200.0 | 2970.0 | 4000.0 | 9489.0 |
MK5 Small Remote Shield Booster | 59800.0 | 7610.0 | 10000.0 | 21000.0 |
MK7 Small Remote Shield Booster | 138000.0 | 30000.0 | 79000.0 | 60000.0 |
MK9 Small Remote Shield Booster | 1070000.0 | 38500.0 | 950000.0 | 55000.0 |
'Micro' Small Remote Shield Booster | 15600.0 | 823.0 | 8000.0 | 2202.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Remote Shield Booster | 536000.0 | 1000.0 | 290000.0 | 1000.0 |
'Healer' Small Remote Shield Booster | 257000.0 | 20300.0 | 100000.0 | 25100.0 |
Pithi C-Type Small Remote Shield Booster | 4580000.0 | 602000.0 | 4000000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Gistii C-Type Small Remote Shield Booster | 7690000.0 | 185000.0 | 4200000.0 | 350000.0 |
MK5 Medium Remote Shield Booster | 123000.0 | 64100.0 | 80000.0 | 91000.0 |
MK7 Medium Remote Shield Booster | 496000.0 | 133000.0 | 200000.0 | 220000.0 |
MK9 Medium Remote Shield Booster | 800000.0 | 56200.0 | 500000.0 | 120000.0 |
'Micro' Medium Remote Shield Booster | 226000.0 | 15300.0 | 100000.0 | 51500.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Remote Shield Booster | 6100000.0 | 300000.0 | 1700000.0 | 300003.0 |
'Healer' Medium Remote Shield Booster | 10900000.0 | 176000.0 | 3700000.0 | 510000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster | 29900000.0 | 4420000.0 | 18000000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster | 21500000.0 | 5640000.0 | 16000000.0 | 8000000.0 |
MK9 Large Remote Shield Booster | 391000.0 | 450001.0 | ||
'Micro' Large Remote Shield Booster | 5920000.0 | 301000.0 | 1820000.0 | 701000.0 |
'Healer' Large Remote Shield Booster | 775000.0 | 1300000.0 | ||
Pith C-Type Large Remote Shield Booster | 30800000.0 | 100000000.0 | ||
Gist C-Type Large Remote Shield Booster | 2690000.0 | 4000000.0 | ||
MK3 Small Remote Armor Repairer | 8120.0 | 22.5 | 2499.0 | 9489.0 |
MK5 Small Remote Armor Repairer | 30600.0 | 7030.0 | 15000.0 | 30069.0 |
MK7 Small Remote Armor Repairer | 313000.0 | 29100.0 | 199000.0 | 350000.0 |
MK9 Small Remote Armor Repairer | 235000.0 | 21500.0 | 175000.0 | 150001.0 |
'Beatnik' Small Remote Armor Repairer | 72900.0 | 9530.0 | 20000.0 | 20000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Remote Armor Repairer | 699000.0 | 250000.0 | 600000.0 | |
'Tranquil' Small Remote Armor Repairer | 340000.0 | 100.0 | 50000.0 | 100.0 |
Corpii C-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer | 24700000.0 | 1100000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Coreli C-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer | 31000000.0 | 3500.0 | 9000000.0 | 79857.0 |
MK5 Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 121000.0 | 37000.0 | 54000.0 | 90000.0 |
MK7 Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 426000.0 | 144000.0 | 200000.0 | 156002.0 |
MK9 Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 943000.0 | 58700.0 | 900000.0 | 110001.0 |
'Beatnik' Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 45200.0 | 453.0 | 8000.0 | 60000.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 4110000.0 | 56000.0 | 900000.0 | 400000.0 |
'Tranquil' Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 5520000.0 | 88700.0 | 4000000.0 | 350000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 38800000.0 | 2870000.0 | 35000000.0 | 17000000.0 |
Corelum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer | 29100000.0 | 923000.0 | 20000000.0 | 2599999.0 |
MK9 Large Remote Armor Repairer | 3020000.0 | 521000.0 | 2300000.0 | 600001.0 |
'Beatnik' Large Remote Armor Repairer | 1400000.0 | 19300.0 | 300000.0 | 29001.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Remote Armor Repairer | 5040000.0 | 1650000.0 | 4300000.0 | 3000111.0 |
'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer | 13700000.0 | 50300.0 | 9750000.0 | 501001.0 |
Corpus C-Type Large Remote Armor Repairer | 563000.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
MK5 Cloaking Device | 4700000.0 | 1190000.0 | 4000000.0 | 3500000.0 |
MK7 Cloaking Device | 6730000.0 | 179000.0 | 5000000.0 | 4500000.0 |
'Guise' Cloaking Device | 50100.0 | 200000.0 | ||
'Smokescreen' Cloaking Device | 7900.0 | 7895.0 | ||
MK5 Covert Ops Cloaking Device | 30300000.0 | 13500000.0 | 29000000.0 | 23100000.0 |
MK7 Covert Ops Cloaking Device | 39000000.0 | 1880000.0 | 31500000.0 | 26000000.0 |
'Camouflage' Covert Ops Cloaking Device | 2950000.0 | 13000000.0 | ||
SOE Covert Ops Cloaking Device | 5000000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
'Smoke' Covert Ops Cloaking Device | 507000.0 | 1500000.0 | ||
MK1 Small Shield Extender | 26600.0 | 2830.0 | 4900.0 | 8150.0 |
MK3 Small Shield Extender | 162000.0 | 17700.0 | 34000.0 | 59000.0 |
MK5 Small Shield Extender | 569000.0 | 301000.0 | 449999.0 | 600000.0 |
MK7 Small Shield Extender | 279000.0 | 58400.0 | 200000.0 | 119100.0 |
MK9 Small Shield Extender | 537000.0 | 6670.0 | 300000.0 | 20001.0 |
'Wolf' Small Shield Extenders | 206000.0 | 97900.0 | 139000.0 | 222222.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Shield Extender | 789000.0 | 118000.0 | 400000.0 | 121400.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender | 996000.0 | 16500.0 | 300000.0 | 150000.0 |
'Trapper' Small Shield Extender | 855000.0 | 351000.0 | 450000.0 | 470000.0 |
MK5 Medium Shield Extender | 8940000.0 | 4700000.0 | 7000000.0 | 6000000.0 |
MK7 Medium Shield Extender | 4940000.0 | 874000.0 | 2800000.0 | 2400036.0 |
MK9 Medium Shield Extender | 2980.0 | 3500.0 | ||
'Canyon' Medium Shield Extender | 6250000.0 | 580000.0 | 5000000.0 | 3004333.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender | 16300000.0 | 433000.0 | 12500000.0 | 3010069.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender | 16400000.0 | 2780000.0 | 12880000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Dread Guristas Medium Shield Extender | 1000000.0 | 999999.0 | ||
Patriot Medium Shield Extension Device | 45800000.0 | 8820000.0 | 39000000.0 | 23500000.0 |
MK9 Large Shield Extender | 3620.0 | 8500.0 | ||
'Sheriff' Large Shield Extender | 8450000.0 | 2260000.0 | 4000000.0 | 2800000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender | 24300000.0 | 1000000.0 | 11989998.0 | 1000000.0 |
'Protector' Large Shield Extender | 60400000.0 | 5970000.0 | 21900000.0 | 18000000.0 |
Civilian Small Shield Booster | 410.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
MK1 Small Shield Booster | 3810.0 | 1590.0 | 100.0 | 3400.0 |
MK3 Small Shield Booster | 8880.0 | 1600.0 | 2000.0 | 3008.0 |
MK5 Small Shield Booster | 28000.0 | 7430.0 | 10000.0 | 43000.0 |
MK7 Small Shield Booster | 83700.0 | 12400.0 | 34644.0 | 30000.0 |
MK9 Small Shield Booster | 569000.0 | 5490.0 | 143077.0 | 100000.0 |
'Settler' Small Shield Booster | 2250000.0 | 343000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1400000.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Shield Booster | 5140000.0 | 624000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1700000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Shield Booster | 4550000.0 | 721000.0 | 2800000.0 | 1600000.0 |
True Sansha Small Shield Booster | 390000.0 | 407895.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Small Shield Booster | 408000.0 | 407895.0 | ||
Domination Small Shield Booster | 408000.0 | 407895.0 | ||
Veteran Small Shield Booster | 4660000.0 | 208000.0 | 3500000.0 | 2005971.0 |
Centii C-Type Small Shield Booster | 27000000.0 | 6590000.0 | 18000000.0 | 9500000.0 |
Pithi C-Type Small Shield Booster | 21300000.0 | 4380000.0 | 14000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Gistii C-Type Small Shield Booster | 24400000.0 | 3750000.0 | 14000000.0 | 8100000.0 |
Civilian Medium Shield Booster | 11800.0 | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | 1005.0 |
MK5 Medium Shield Booster | 1080000.0 | 488000.0 | 849000.0 | 900000.0 |
MK7 Medium Shield Booster | 894000.0 | 197000.0 | 699999.0 | 650000.0 |
MK9 Medium Shield Booster | 1700000.0 | 82400.0 | 588888.0 | 222222.0 |
'Lone Ranger' Medium Shield Booster | 10400000.0 | 2370000.0 | 9000000.0 | 6200000.0 |
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Booster | 37300000.0 | 6670000.0 | 26698000.0 | 21000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Booster | 34400000.0 | 11800000.0 | 25000000.0 | 14000001.0 |
True Sansha Medium Shield Booster | 1230000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Medium Shield Booster | 500000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Domination Medium Shield Booster | 1360000.0 | 1631581.0 | ||
'Disaster' Medium Shield Booster | 47200000.0 | 3870000.0 | 39000000.0 | 30000000.0 |
Centum C-Type Medium Shield Booster | 97200000.0 | 23300000.0 | 78999999.0 | 60000000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster | 103000000.0 | 10100000.0 | 80000000.0 | 66000000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Booster | 100000000.0 | 24000000.0 | 80000000.0 | 55000000.0 |
MK9 Large Shield Booster | 2780000.0 | 196000.0 | 1190000.0 | 800000.0 |
'Outlaw' Large Shield Booster | 44800000.0 | 10900000.0 | 30000000.0 | 23000000.0 |
Caldari Navy Large Shield Booster | 80000000.0 | 2470000.0 | 80000000.0 | 4842358.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Shield Booster | 82600000.0 | 11100000.0 | 75000000.0 | 45000000.0 |
True Sansha Large Shield Booster | 3760000.0 | 6526325.0 | ||
'Seeker' Large Shield Booster | 110000000.0 | 10600000.0 | 100000000.0 | 45000000.0 |
Centus C-Type Large Shield Booster | 7760000.0 | 60000601.0 | ||
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster | 800000000.0 | 29500000.0 | 400000000.0 | 120000000.0 |
Gist C-Type Large Shield Booster | 500000000.0 | 63600000.0 | 499999999.0 | 150000000.0 |
MK3 Small Microwarpdrive | 1230000.0 | 325000.0 | 900000.0 | 650000.0 |
MK5 Small Microwarpdrive | 2690000.0 | 630000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1500000.0 |
MK7 Small Microwarpdrive | 6330000.0 | 332000.0 | 2500000.0 | 1252003.0 |
MK9 Small Microwarpdrive | 7040000.0 | 113000.0 | 6000000.0 | 403634.0 |
'Dealer' Small Microwarpdrive | 4050000.0 | 425000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1100000.0 |
Federation Navy Small Microwarpdrive | 16800000.0 | 358000.0 | 6400000.0 | 1152000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Microwarpdrive | 3290000.0 | 481000.0 | 2300000.0 | 950000.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Small Microwarpdrive | 158000.0 | 200000.0 | ||
'Scout' Small Microwarpdrive | 3630000.0 | 598000.0 | 3000000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Gistii C-Type Small Microwarpdrive | 18300000.0 | 6850000.0 | 17000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
MK5 Medium Microwarpdrive | 4400000.0 | 1350000.0 | 3300000.0 | 2750000.0 |
MK7 Medium Microwarpdrive | 5260000.0 | 1370000.0 | 3589999.0 | 2250010.0 |
MK9 Medium Microwarpdrive | 4100000.0 | 135000.0 | 1900000.0 | 154000.0 |
'Dealer' Medium Microwarpdrive | 3050000.0 | 192000.0 | 1800977.0 | 2400500.0 |
Federation Navy Medium Microwarpdrive | 8230000.0 | 2970000.0 | 5500000.0 | 4003333.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Microwarpdrive | 8630000.0 | 2740000.0 | 7000000.0 | 3505001.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Medium Microwarpdrive | 1500000.0 | 1500321.0 | ||
'Scout' Medium Microwarpdrive | 17300000.0 | 1070000.0 | 9600000.0 | 6996269.0 |
Gistum C-Type Medium Microwarpdrive | 31900000.0 | 8170000.0 | 20000000.0 | 13200000.0 |
MK9 Large Microwarpdrive | 742000.0 | 1150000.0 | ||
'Dealer' Large Microwarpdrive | 1430000.0 | 175000.0 | 600000.0 | 193011.0 |
Federation Navy Large Microwarpdrive | 9140000.0 | 600000.0 | 6999999.0 | 1000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Microwarpdrive | 23600000.0 | 1000000.0 | 21500000.0 | 999999.0 |
'Scout' Large Microwarpdrive | 10500000.0 | 1390000.0 | 8000000.0 | 3000321.0 |
Gist C-Type Large Microwarpdrive | 24600000.0 | 4600000.0 | 13500000.0 | 5000001.0 |
Civilian Small Afterburner | 2.11 | 1000.0 | 1.0 | 1000.0 |
MK1 Small Afterburner | 5850.0 | 2530.0 | 225.0 | 7113.0 |
MK3 Small Afterburner | 15500.0 | 3390.0 | 4500.0 | 25000.0 |
MK5 Small Afterburner | 41900.0 | 23200.0 | 28000.0 | 35000.0 |
MK7 Small Afterburner | 161000.0 | 39100.0 | 60000.0 | 69241.0 |
MK9 Small Afterburner | 259000.0 | 10500.0 | 130000.0 | 56000.0 |
Smuggler Small Afterburner | 1730000.0 | 140000.0 | 600000.0 | 850000.0 |
Federation Navy Small Afterburner | 5760000.0 | 637000.0 | 3789990.0 | 2900000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Afterburner | 6210000.0 | 394000.0 | 4500000.0 | 1300000.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Small Afterburner | 852000.0 | 852370.0 | ||
'Ranger' Small Afterburner | 5730000.0 | 1240000.0 | 4000000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Centii C-Type Small Afterburner | 102000000.0 | 28900000.0 | 77000000.0 | 48000000.0 |
Coreli C-Type Small Afterburner | 97400000.0 | 15500000.0 | 82000000.0 | 25111111.0 |
Civilian Medium Afterburner | 18000.0 | 107.0 | 15000.0 | 107.0 |
MK5 Medium Afterburner | 137000.0 | 121000.0 | 80000.0 | 135001.0 |
MK7 Medium Afterburner | 296000.0 | 164000.0 | 190000.0 | 281010.0 |
MK9 Medium Afterburner | 683000.0 | 224000.0 | 489999.0 | 450000.0 |
Smuggler Medium Afterburner | 131000.0 | 17200.0 | 83000.0 | 35000.0 |
Federation Navy Medium Afterburner | 9270000.0 | 2220000.0 | 6875000.0 | 3508088.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Afterburner | 7670000.0 | 3090000.0 | 5399999.0 | 4111111.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Medium Afterburner | 2500000.0 | 2500000.0 | ||
Domination Medium Afterburner | 3410000.0 | 3409481.0 | ||
'Ranger' Medium Afterburner | 26100000.0 | 6310000.0 | 19500000.0 | 10300231.0 |
Centum C-Type Medium Afterburner | 84800000.0 | 18200000.0 | 46999999.0 | 40000000.0 |
Corelum C-Type Medium Afterburner | 69100000.0 | 8530000.0 | 44000000.0 | 30000000.0 |
MK9 Large Afterburner | 2480000.0 | 1300000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1760000.0 |
Smuggler Large Afterburner | 1210000.0 | 82300.0 | 250000.0 | 150001.0 |
Federation Navy Large Afterburner | 13400000.0 | 349000.0 | 3500000.0 | 350000.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Afterburner | 9190000.0 | 312000.0 | 6000000.0 | 420000.0 |
'Ranger' Large Afterburner | 14300000.0 | 1810000.0 | 6000000.0 | 1905001.0 |
Centus C-Type Large Afterburner | 202000000.0 | 7010000.0 | 125000000.0 | 32033955.0 |
Core C-Type Large Afterburner | 270000000.0 | 1750000.0 | 200000000.0 | 1750000.0 |
MK3 Warp Disruptor | 18400000.0 | 7970000.0 | 17200000.0 | 10000000.0 |
MK5 Warp Disruptor | 21200000.0 | 6600000.0 | 19500000.0 | 12000000.0 |
MK7 Warp Disruptor | 31200000.0 | 3520000.0 | 29666665.0 | 10000000.0 |
MK9 Warp Disruptor | 24200000.0 | 1240000.0 | 11000000.0 | 2600000.0 |
'Interruptive' Warp Disruptor | 33700000.0 | 19500000.0 | 29999999.0 | 25000005.0 |
Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor | 39900000.0 | 15700000.0 | 35000000.0 | 21000001.0 |
Federation Navy Warp Disruptor | 37100000.0 | 21200.0 | 35999999.0 | 24000010.0 |
Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor | 44500000.0 | 12900.0 | 37000000.0 | 28000000.0 |
True Sansha Warp Disruptor | 920000.0 | 2374115.0 | ||
Dark Blood Warp Disruptor | 1940000.0 | 2456789.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Warp Disruptor | 1690000.0 | 2374115.0 | ||
'Predator' Warp Disruptor | 114000000.0 | 11600000.0 | 54000000.0 | 42000000.0 |
MK3 Small Capacitor Battery | 81400.0 | 215.0 | 15000.0 | 38871.0 |
MK5 Small Capacitor Battery | 794000.0 | 145000.0 | 400000.0 | 321000.0 |
MK7 Small Capacitor Battery | 121000.0 | 28600.0 | 70000.0 | 50000.0 |
MK9 Small Capacitor Battery | 427000.0 | 10500.0 | 400000.0 | 81000.0 |
'Acolyth' Small Capacitor Battery | 319000.0 | 122000.0 | 232000.0 | 240000.0 |
Republic Fleet Small Capacitor Battery | 2050000.0 | 359000.0 | 900000.0 | 800000.0 |
'Demolish' Small Capacitor Battery | 1330000.0 | 1334898.0 | ||
Gistii C-Type Small Capacitor Batteries | 18700000.0 | 2000000.0 | 15000000.0 | 4000000.0 |
MK5 Medium Capacitor Battery | 6160000.0 | 3730000.0 | 5250000.0 | 4770000.0 |
MK7 Medium Capacitor Battery | 2340000.0 | 524000.0 | 1500000.0 | 850000.0 |
MK9 Medium Capacitor Battery | 1280000.0 | 36500.0 | 999999.0 | 100000.0 |
'Acolyth' Medium Capacitor Battery | 3250000.0 | 2160000.0 | 2500000.0 | 2800001.0 |
Republic Fleet Medium Capacitor Battery | 18900000.0 | 2420000.0 | 17000000.0 | 8201000.0 |
'Demolish' Medium Capacitor Battery | 5340000.0 | 5339596.0 | ||
Gistum C-Type Medium Capacitor Battery | 37800000.0 | 6980000.0 | 30000000.0 | 12222222.0 |
MK9 Large Capacitor Battery | 8170000.0 | 152000.0 | 4000000.0 | 1200000.0 |
'Acolyth' Large Capacitor Batteries | 2020000.0 | 760000.0 | 1200000.0 | 911809.0 |
Republic Fleet Large Capacitor Battery | 11500000.0 | 181000.0 | 8400000.0 | 201000.0 |
Domination Large Capacitor Battery | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
'Demolish' Large Capacitor Battery | 210000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Gist C-Type Large Capacitor Battery | 47500000.0 | 9120000.0 | 33988888.0 | 12000000.0 |
Civilian Stasis Webifier | 12000.0 | 3.2 | 12000.0 | 1111.0 |
MK3 Stasis Webifier | 68200.0 | 14700.0 | 59000.0 | 71222.0 |
MK5 Stasis Webifier | 123000.0 | 64200.0 | 75000.0 | 100005.0 |
MK7 Stasis Webifier | 434000.0 | 149000.0 | 300000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK9 Stasis Webifier | 714000.0 | 57300.0 | 360000.0 | 201001.0 |
'Interruptive' Stasis Webifier | 9090000.0 | 3190000.0 | 6450000.0 | 5050000.0 |
Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier | 16800000.0 | 6250000.0 | 15200000.0 | 8150000.0 |
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier | 32300000.0 | 7860000.0 | 20000000.0 | 12000000.0 |
Republic Fleet Stasis Webifier | 22900000.0 | 5220000.0 | 20000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
True Sansha Stasis Webifier | 237000.0 | 237411.0 | ||
Dark Blood Stasis Webifier | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
Shadow Serpentis Stasis Webifier | 30000.0 | 30000.0 | ||
'Predator' Stasis Webifier | 39000000.0 | 12000000.0 | 33000000.0 | 30000000.0 |
MK5 Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 5170000.0 | 4060000.0 | 4500000.0 | 5000000.0 |
MK7 Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 9450000.0 | 3170000.0 | 5495000.0 | 5000001.0 |
MK9 Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 4150000.0 | 203000.0 | 3000000.0 | 250250.0 |
Posse Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 18000000.0 | 7670000.0 | 13500000.0 | 8600000.0 |
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 43600000.0 | 5580000.0 | 38000000.0 | 21000022.0 |
Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 2560000.0 | 2589592.0 | ||
Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 2590000.0 | 2589592.0 | ||
'Enterprise' Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 88700000.0 | 23000000.0 | 83000000.0 | 75000000.0 |
Pith C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 342000000.0 | 36400000.0 | 339999999.0 | 125000001.0 |
Gist C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field | 336000000.0 | 45500000.0 | 245000000.0 | 155000000.0 |
MK5 Tracking Computer | 322000.0 | 244000.0 | 225000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Tracking Computer | 653000.0 | 422000.0 | 480000.0 | 630000.0 |
MK9 Tracking Computer | 1490000.0 | 430000.0 | 978000.0 | 450000.0 |
'Marketeer' Tracking Computer | 840000.0 | 115000.0 | 200000.0 | 186000.0 |
Federation Navy Tracking Computer | 13100000.0 | 4630000.0 | 10000000.0 | 5090000.0 |
'Eagle' Tracking Computer | 20800000.0 | 5070000.0 | 17888888.0 | 11000971.0 |
MK5 Drone Navigation Computer | 333000.0 | 242000.0 | 300000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Drone Navigation Computer | 672000.0 | 429000.0 | 500000.0 | 602000.0 |
MK9 Drone Navigation Computer | 1480000.0 | 428000.0 | 988888.0 | 460000.0 |
'Decoder' Drone Navigation Computer | 27900.0 | 777.0 | 100.0 | 3100.0 |
Federation Navy Drone Navigation Computer | 554000.0 | 20000.0 | 109000.0 | |
'Supervisor' Drone Navigation Computer | 1060000.0 | 75300.0 | 400000.0 | 210003.0 |
MK5 Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 328000.0 | 221000.0 | 199999.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 695000.0 | 459000.0 | 614000.0 | 602001.0 |
MK9 Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 1430000.0 | 248000.0 | 1000000.0 | 250000.0 |
'Decoder' Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 75600.0 | 877.0 | 18500.0 | 3000.0 |
Imperial Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 209000.0 | 1000.0 | 73000.0 | 1000.0 |
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 1370000.0 | 120000.0 | 195000.0 | 120000.0 |
'Supervisor' Omnidirectional Tracking Link | 3460000.0 | 473000.0 | 1999999.0 | 1000001.0 |
MK5 Missile Guidance Computer | 342000.0 | 235000.0 | 302000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Missile Guidance Computer | 755000.0 | 480000.0 | 600000.0 | 630000.0 |
MK9 Missile Guidance Computer | 1410000.0 | 328000.0 | 1000000.0 | 540000.0 |
'Elusive' Missile Guidance Computer | 1570000.0 | 110000.0 | 550000.0 | 325000.0 |
Caldari Navy Missile Guidance Computer | 15600000.0 | 2190000.0 | 12000000.0 | 2250000.0 |
'Hook' Missile Guidance Computer | 45500000.0 | 4210000.0 | 35000000.0 | 6000069.0 |
MK1 Gyrostabilizer | 21000.0 | 4710.0 | 4000.0 | 17800.0 |
MK3 Gyrostabilizer | 60200.0 | 15200.0 | 24999.0 | 32000.0 |
MK5 Gyrostabilizer | 217000.0 | 92100.0 | 80000.0 | 126015.0 |
MK7 Gyrostabilizer | 482000.0 | 132000.0 | 380000.0 | 280000.0 |
MK9 Gyrostabilizer | 791000.0 | 60300.0 | 489999.0 | 300000.0 |
Basic Gyrostabilizer | 7350000.0 | 246000.0 | 5999000.0 | 2350000.0 |
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer | 17400000.0 | 3270000.0 | 13000000.0 | 4500000.0 |
'Rebirth' Gyrostabilizer | 16200000.0 | 5360000.0 | 14750000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Gyrostabilizers | 111000000.0 | 16800000.0 | 95000000.0 | 21000011.0 |
MK5 Damage Control | 1760000.0 | 316000.0 | 1100000.0 | 700000.0 |
MK7 Damage Control | 615000.0 | 1200000.0 | ||
MK9 Damage Control | 1940000.0 | 30000.0 | 1349000.0 | 30000.0 |
Basic Damage Control | 1400000.0 | 179000.0 | 800000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Imperial Navy Damage Control | 7460000.0 | 1170000.0 | 6000000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Federation Navy Damage Control | 5360000.0 | 1730000.0 | 4500000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Damage Control | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
All-round Damage Control | 9720000.0 | 1750000.0 | 8400000.0 | 4502000.0 |
Civilian Small Armor Repairer | 101.0 | 10.0 | 1.0 | |
MK1 Small Armor Repairer | 3170.0 | 867.0 | 950.0 | 3305.0 |
MK3 Small Armor Repairer | 9020.0 | 1560.0 | 2500.0 | 4707.0 |
MK5 Small Armor Repairer | 20700.0 | 7870.0 | 18000.0 | 18000.0 |
MK7 Small Armor Repairer | 80300.0 | 19300.0 | 19000.0 | 40001.0 |
MK9 Small Armor Repairer | 280000.0 | 6260.0 | 99999.0 | 10000.0 |
Gorget Small Armor Repairer | 398000.0 | 96600.0 | 310000.0 | 200000.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Armor Repairer | 5210000.0 | 342000.0 | 4700000.0 | 1000002.0 |
Federation Navy Small Armor Repairer | 4690000.0 | 1000000.0 | 2150000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Dark Blood Small Armor Repairer | 234000.0 | 407895.0 | ||
Shadow Serpentis Small Armor Repairer | 408000.0 | 407895.0 | ||
'Knight' Small Armor Repairer | 2550000.0 | 487000.0 | 1900000.0 | 800005.0 |
Corpii C-Type Small Armor Repairer | 51400000.0 | 4620000.0 | 21000000.0 | 13000003.0 |
Coreli C-Type Small Armor Repairer | 35300000.0 | 3510000.0 | 20999999.0 | 11000003.0 |
Civilian Medium Armor Repairer | 12000.0 | 1000.0 | 12000.0 | 1000.0 |
MK5 Medium Armor Repairer | 66400.0 | 55800.0 | 49500.0 | 61000.0 |
MK7 Medium Armor Repairer | 137000.0 | 65600.0 | 79000.0 | 131029.0 |
MK9 Medium Armor Repairer | 945000.0 | 89900.0 | 620000.0 | 222222.0 |
'Gorget' Medium Armor Repairer | 2300000.0 | 414000.0 | 1000000.0 | 850000.0 |
Imperial Navy Medium Armor Repairer | 30000000.0 | 7970000.0 | 28555555.0 | 16080201.0 |
Federation Navy Medium Armor Repairer | 26900000.0 | 10500000.0 | 20500000.0 | 13000010.0 |
Dark Blood Medium Armor Repairer | 891000.0 | 1631581.0 | ||
Shadow Serpentis Medium Armor Repairer | 1630000.0 | 1631581.0 | ||
'Knight' Medium Armor Repairer | 53300000.0 | 7040000.0 | 46555555.0 | 33030000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer | 200000000.0 | 45400000.0 | 200000000.0 | 150000000.0 |
Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer | 275000000.0 | 52400000.0 | 234999998.0 | 100000001.0 |
MK9 Large Armor Repairer | 1140000.0 | 760000.0 | 750000.0 | 1100000.0 |
'Gorget' Large Armor Repairer | 2640000.0 | 126000.0 | 1200000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Imperial Navy Large Armor Repairer | 18200000.0 | 700000.0 | 11111111.0 | 1200001.0 |
Federation Navy Large Armor Repairer | 93500000.0 | 1350000.0 | 42000000.0 | 1400208.0 |
'Chivalry' Large Armor Repairer | 26300000.0 | 7600000.0 | 19000000.0 | 11800001.0 |
Corpus C-Type Large Armor Repairer | 220000000.0 | 16800000.0 | 190000000.0 | 100000000.0 |
Core C-Type Large Armor Repairer | 254000000.0 | 3810000.0 | 247000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
MK1 Heat Sink | 24700.0 | 7570.0 | 8500.0 | 20000.0 |
MK3 Heat Sink | 40500.0 | 8400.0 | 29000.0 | 35127.0 |
MK5 Heat Sink | 185000.0 | 76100.0 | 100000.0 | 136010.0 |
MK7 Heat Sink | 564000.0 | 93000.0 | 345000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK9 Heat Sink | 7390000.0 | 53300.0 | 799999.0 | 55101.0 |
Basic Heat Sink | 2810000.0 | 615000.0 | 1150000.0 | 753000.0 |
Imperial Navy Heat Sink | 6030000.0 | 481000.0 | 4000000.0 | 500408.0 |
True Sansha Heat Sink | 269000.0 | 268600.0 | ||
Dark Blood Heat Sink | 257000.0 | 257000.0 | ||
'Judgement' Heat Sink | 7050000.0 | 1240000.0 | 3100000.0 | 1888888.0 |
Centum C-Type Heat Sink | 70500000.0 | 18500000.0 | 57950000.0 | 25000000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Heat Sink | 97100000.0 | 20000000.0 | 60000000.0 | 20000011.0 |
MK1 Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 8330.0 | 4620.0 | 799.0 | 17600.0 |
MK3 Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 30200.0 | 9730.0 | 18000.0 | 34560.0 |
MK5 Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 98300.0 | 93900.0 | 40000.0 | 122005.0 |
MK7 Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 404000.0 | 64200.0 | 190000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK9 Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 1030000.0 | 76200.0 | 850000.0 | 300000.0 |
Basic Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 319000.0 | 4290.0 | 15000.0 | 25000.0 |
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 5400000.0 | 376000.0 | 3799999.0 | 530004.0 |
Narcotics Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 10900000.0 | 1860000.0 | 6900000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Corelum C-Type Magnetic Field Stabilizer | 83300000.0 | 18100000.0 | 70000000.0 | 40000000.0 |
MK1 Warp Core Stabilizer | 136000.0 | 12500.0 | 21500.0 | 40000.0 |
MK3 Warp Core Stabilizer | 205000.0 | 38800.0 | 100000.0 | 51001.0 |
MK5 Warp Core Stabilizer | 457000.0 | 206000.0 | 350000.0 | 530000.0 |
MK7 Warp Core Stabilizer | 2540000.0 | 382000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1000000.0 |
MK9 Warp Core Stabilizer | 2680000.0 | 10000.0 | 1000000.0 | 800000.0 |
'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer | 14500000.0 | 8420000.0 | 13333333.0 | 10600000.0 |
'Natura' Warp Core Stabilizer | 26500000.0 | 8570000.0 | 17000000.0 | 11000000.0 |
MK5 Adaptive Armor Hardener | 1180000.0 | 148000.0 | 650000.0 | 750000.0 |
MK7 Adaptive Armor Hardener | 662000.0 | 1351818.0 | ||
MK9 Adaptive Armor Hardener | 3240000.0 | 211000.0 | 1888888.0 | 211000.0 |
'Pilfer' Adaptive Armor Hardener | 9660000.0 | 965000.0 | 7250000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Imperial Navy Adaptive Armor Hardener | 32100000.0 | 3840000.0 | 28998000.0 | 20000000.0 |
Federation Navy Adaptive Armor Hardener | 27400000.0 | 2040000.0 | 23999998.0 | 13000010.0 |
Shadow Serpentis Adaptive Armor Hardener | 200000.0 | 200000.0 | ||
'Sparkly' Adaptive Armor Hardener | 60900000.0 | 2790000.0 | 46500000.0 | 36000000.0 |
Corpus C-Type Adaptive Armor Hardener | 34500000.0 | 51000011.0 | ||
Core C-Type Adaptive Armor Hardener | 280000000.0 | 39100000.0 | 280000001.0 | 90000000.0 |
MK1 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 14500.0 | 4730.0 | 6900.0 | 12025.0 |
MK3 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 45200.0 | 6130.0 | 17500.0 | 15325.0 |
MK5 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 156000.0 | 29600.0 | 47000.0 | 86025.0 |
MK7 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 265000.0 | 46400.0 | 145000.0 | 80102.0 |
MK9 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 1890.0 | 2020.0 | ||
'Abatis' 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 49500.0 | 107.0 | 4000.0 | 8001.0 |
Imperial Navy 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 551000.0 | 140000.0 | 89000.0 | |
Federation Navy 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 566000.0 | 140000.0 | 60000.0 | |
'Fort' 100mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 25800.0 | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | 20000.0 |
MK3 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 55000.0 | 40900.0 | 14900.0 | 55556.0 |
MK5 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 310000.0 | 41800.0 | 125000.0 | 210000.0 |
MK7 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 482000.0 | 45900.0 | 340000.0 | 120000.0 |
MK9 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 100.0 | 100.0 | ||
'Abatis' 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 626000.0 | 10200.0 | 35000.0 | 12500.0 |
Imperial Navy 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 1220000.0 | 28300.0 | 600000.0 | 35000.0 |
Federation Navy 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 1600000.0 | 200000.0 | 198999.0 | 200000.0 |
'Citadella' 200mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 304000.0 | 116000.0 | 189000.0 | 201975.0 |
MK5 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 728000.0 | 54900.0 | 150000.0 | 220000.0 |
MK7 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 836000.0 | 195000.0 | 550000.0 | 500000.0 |
MK9 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 2000000.0 | 1000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1001.0 |
'Bastion' 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 80400.0 | 8040.0 | 20000.0 | 52000.0 |
Imperial Navy 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 1160000.0 | 12800.0 | 250000.0 | 14000.0 |
Federation Navy 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 1110000.0 | 27500.0 | 135000.0 | 50000.0 |
Hansen 400mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 785000.0 | 35000.0 | 300000.0 | 166666.0 |
MK5 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 713000.0 | 172000.0 | 488888.0 | 666666.0 |
MK7 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 2150000.0 | 798000.0 | 1200000.0 | 1000001.0 |
MK9 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 4890000.0 | 250000.0 | 4500000.0 | |
'Bastion' 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 501000.0 | 77200.0 | 220000.0 | 120000.0 |
Imperial Navy 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 11000000.0 | 713000.0 | 8000000.0 | 3500001.0 |
Federation Navy 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 9900000.0 | 105000.0 | 8000000.0 | 555555.0 |
Dark Blood 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 7500000.0 | 7500000.0 | ||
'Hansen' 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 30000000.0 | 2680000.0 | 22000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
MK9 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 5000000.0 | 235000.0 | 5000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
'Bailey' 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 830000.0 | 15000.0 | 349000.0 | 150001.0 |
Imperial Navy 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 6310000.0 | 300000.0 | 3800000.0 | 500000.0 |
Federation Navy 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 10100000.0 | 224000.0 | 4600000.0 | 299000.0 |
Dark Blood 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 11000.0 | 11000.0 | ||
'Core' 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate | 34400000.0 | 2920000.0 | 13999999.0 | 6510001.0 |
MK1 Ballistic Control System | 15100.0 | 8030.0 | 5000.0 | 17900.0 |
MK3 Ballistic Control System | 41500.0 | 13000.0 | 18000.0 | 36000.0 |
MK5 Ballistic Control System | 151000.0 | 102000.0 | 78000.0 | 145000.0 |
MK7 Ballistic Control System | 602000.0 | 97400.0 | 220000.0 | 255800.0 |
MK9 Ballistic Control System | 746000.0 | 28300.0 | 510000.0 | 120000.0 |
Full Duplex Ballistic Control System | 1200000.0 | 354000.0 | 800000.0 | 500000.0 |
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System | 14400000.0 | 2790000.0 | 11499000.0 | 6000001.0 |
Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System | 17900000.0 | 3470000.0 | 12400000.0 | 5001000.0 |
Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Domination Ballistic Control System | 2690000.0 | 2686452.0 | ||
'Ironblood' Damage Control System | 26400000.0 | 11700000.0 | 19999999.0 | 17500000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Ballistic Control System | 277000000.0 | 56700000.0 | 238888888.0 | 65000001.0 |
MK3 Drone Damage Amplifier | 33100.0 | 9590.0 | 24000.0 | 26000.0 |
MK5 Drone Damage Amplifier | 158000.0 | 95100.0 | 95000.0 | 120130.0 |
MK7 Drone Damage Amplifier | 349000.0 | 110000.0 | 200000.0 | 220000.0 |
MK9 Drone Damage Amplifier | 813000.0 | 175000.0 | 550000.0 | 300001.0 |
Bat Drone Damage Amplifier | 5280000.0 | 932000.0 | 3250000.0 | 2100001.0 |
Imperial Navy Drone Damage Amplifier | 13900000.0 | 4050000.0 | 9800000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier | 16100000.0 | 883000.0 | 11990000.0 | 2082612.0 |
Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier | 1840000.0 | 2686452.0 | ||
'Nestworm' Drone Damage Amplifier | 41300000.0 | 23000000.0 | 41000000.0 | 27500000.0 |
MK3 Inertial Stabilizer | 15900.0 | 2410.0 | 2000.0 | 38871.0 |
MK5 Inertial Stabilizer | 61100.0 | 26100.0 | 30000.0 | 90000.0 |
MK7 Inertial Stabilizer | 205000.0 | 59100.0 | 110000.0 | 80005.0 |
MK9 Inertial Stabilizer | 318000.0 | 27600.0 | 199000.0 | 38000.0 |
Basic Inertial Stabilizer | 922000.0 | 213.0 | 569420.0 | 180001.0 |
Federation Navy Inertial Stabilizer | 9140000.0 | 1000000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Republic Fleet Inertial Stabilizer | 11400000.0 | 1050000.0 | 6900000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Synthetic Hull Inertial Stabilizer | 21100000.0 | 4030000.0 | 17500000.0 | 9000069.0 |
MK1 Reactive Armor Hardener | 7740.0 | 2070.0 | 2900.0 | 7400.0 |
MK3 Reactive Armor Hardener | 14400.0 | 5160.0 | 1000.0 | 13975.0 |
MK5 Reactive Armor Hardener | 45200.0 | 9640.0 | 30000.0 | 46250.0 |
MK7 Reactive Armor Hardener | 129000.0 | 40800.0 | 70000.0 | 90000.0 |
MK9 Reactive Armor Hardener | 1000000.0 | 32700.0 | 240000.0 | 80000.0 |
'Moat' Reactive Armor Hardener | 3550000.0 | 602000.0 | 2700000.0 | 1500007.0 |
Imperial Navy Reactive Armor Hardener | 11800000.0 | 1290000.0 | 9455555.0 | 6000800.0 |
Federation Navy Reactive Armor Hardener | 10700000.0 | 1540000.0 | 7500000.0 | 2801407.0 |
Dark Blood Reactive Armor Hardener | 1040000.0 | 1035836.0 | ||
'Sparkly' Reactive Armor Hardener | 29700000.0 | 4030000.0 | 19500000.0 | 7505001.0 |
Corpum C-Type Reactive Armor Hardener | 95300000.0 | 18200000.0 | 89999999.0 | 25200001.0 |
Corelum C-Type Reactive Armor Hardener | 104000000.0 | 29200000.0 | 94999998.0 | 40000000.0 |
MK1 Reactive Shield Hardener | 3760.0 | 2550.0 | 899.0 | 7300.0 |
MK3 Reactive Shield Hardener | 13200.0 | 2500.0 | 3000.0 | 12750.0 |
MK5 Reactive Shield Hardener | 82800.0 | 21900.0 | 28000.0 | 200000.0 |
MK7 Reactive Shield Hardener | 164000.0 | 40200.0 | 70000.0 | 70000.0 |
MK9 Reactive Shield Hardener | 430000.0 | 24900.0 | 180000.0 | 70001.0 |
Challenger Reactive Shield Hardener | 786000.0 | 162000.0 | 225000.0 | 350000.0 |
Caldari Navy Reactive Shield Hardener | 4390000.0 | 1020000.0 | 4000000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Republic Fleet Reactive Shield Hardener | 6350000.0 | 1230000.0 | 4400000.0 | 1511000.0 |
True Sansha Reactive Shield Hardener | 4000000.0 | 4000000.0 | ||
Domination Reactive Shield Hardener | 1040000.0 | 1035836.0 | ||
'Enterprise' Reactive Shield Hardener | 75900000.0 | 4670000.0 | 60000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Reactive Shield Hardener | 220000000.0 | 36200000.0 | 220000000.0 | 71504000.0 |
Gistum C-Type Reactive Shield Hardener | 243000000.0 | 39600000.0 | 237000000.0 | 80000011.0 |
MK5 Small Shield Field Module | 610000.0 | 24100.0 | 273073.0 | 25100.0 |
MK7 Small Shield Field Module | 837000.0 | 21600.0 | 690000.0 | 25000.0 |
MK9 Small Shield Field Module | 40000.0 | 51000.0 | ||
'Crucible' Small Shield Field Module | 172000.0 | 100.0 | 59000.0 | 1000.0 |
Caldari Navy Small Shield Field Module | 1670000.0 | 1666089.0 | ||
'Mirror' Small Shield Field Module | 1350000.0 | 50000.0 | 200000.0 | 60000.0 |
MK5 Medium Shield Field Module | 2170000.0 | 151000.0 | 1288888.0 | 400000.0 |
MK7 Medium Shield Field Module | 7170000.0 | 150000.0 | 4100000.0 | 220000.0 |
MK9 Medium Shield Field Module | 60000.0 | 60000.0 | ||
'Crucible' Medium Shield Field Module | 7500000.0 | 215000.0 | 3300000.0 | 500000.0 |
'Mirror' Medium Shield Field Module | 25900000.0 | 1590000.0 | 4900000.0 | 2202000.0 |
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Field Module | 18400000.0 | 18350845.0 | ||
Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Field Module | 1670000.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
MK7 Large Shield Field Module | 10700000.0 | 803000.0 | 9799999.0 | 1100000.0 |
MK9 Large Shield Field Module | 621000.0 | 1500000.0 | ||
'Crucible' Large Shield Field Module | 4870000.0 | 96300.0 | 2890000.0 | 300000.0 |
'Mirror' Large Shield Field Module | 18400000.0 | 2040.0 | 6500000.0 | 10000.0 |
MK5 Small Armor Link Module | 687000.0 | 62900.0 | 299995.0 | 63000.0 |
MK7 Small Armor Link Module | 2550000.0 | 67900.0 | 1499999.0 | 75000.0 |
MK9 Small Armor Link Module | 60000.0 | 60000.0 | ||
'Hustler' Small Armor Link Module | 182000.0 | 1060.0 | 50000.0 | 1100.0 |
Imperial Navy Small Armor Link Module | 1670000.0 | 1666089.0 | ||
'Bloodline' Small Armor Link Module | 96800.0 | 2600.0 | 10000.0 | 12000.0 |
MK5 Medium Armor Link Module | 2090000.0 | 30000.0 | 1350000.0 | 30000.0 |
MK7 Medium Armor Link Module | 6890000.0 | 2200000.0 | 5699999.0 | 2200231.0 |
MK9 Medium Armor Link Module | 61000.0 | 61000.0 | ||
'Hustler' Medium Armor Link Module | 1600000.0 | 289000.0 | 699999.0 | 331000.0 |
'Bloodline' Medium Armor Link Module | 5530000.0 | 224000.0 | 2100000.0 | 1001000.0 |
Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Link Module | 500000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Link Module | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
MK7 Large Armor Link Module | 15000000.0 | 1200000.0 | 15000000.0 | 1200000.0 |
MK9 Large Armor Link Module | 508000.0 | 520000.0 | ||
'Hustler' Large Armor Link Module | 5410000.0 | 16900.0 | 2100000.0 | 250001.0 |
'Bloodline' Large Armor Link Module | 19700000.0 | 832000.0 | 19000000.0 | 999999.0 |
Corpus C-Type Large Armor Link Module | 10000000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
MK5 Small Group Shield Booster | 370000.0 | 37200.0 | 249999.0 | 100000.0 |
MK7 Small Group Shield Booster | 664000.0 | 100000.0 | 350000.0 | 100000.0 |
MK9 Small Group Shield Booster | 100.0 | 100.0 | ||
'Settler' Small Group Shield Booster | 193000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
'Bannerman' Small Group Shield Booster | 350000.0 | 350000.0 | ||
MK5 Medium Group Shield Booster | 4780000.0 | 1010000.0 | 3000000.0 | 1600007.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Shield Booster | 6460000.0 | 1130000.0 | 5790000.0 | 2000000.0 |
'Settler' Medium Group Shield Booster | 429000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
'Bannerman' Medium Group Shield Booster | 50000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
MK7 Large Group Shield Booster | 643000.0 | 16000000.0 | ||
MK9 Large Group Shield Booster | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
'Settler' Large Group Shield Booster | 350000.0 | 350000.0 | ||
Caldari Navy Large Group Shield Booster | 55000.0 | 55000.0 | ||
Republic Fleet Large Group Shield Booster | 55000.0 | 55000.0 | ||
True Sansha Large Group Shield Booster | 55000.0 | 55000.0 | ||
Dread Guristas Large Group Shield Booster | 55000.0 | 55000.0 | ||
MK5 Small Group Armor Repairer | 614000.0 | 30000.0 | 400000.0 | 79000.0 |
MK7 Small Group Armor Repairer | 805000.0 | 25500.0 | 675000.0 | |
'Engineer' Small Group Armor Repairer | 350000.0 | 350000.0 | ||
MK5 Medium Group Armor Repairer | 6540000.0 | 458000.0 | 3400000.0 | 2000000.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Armor Repairer | 13900000.0 | 202000.0 | 8000000.0 | 1888888.0 |
'Repairman' Medium Group Armor Repairer | 86800.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
Imperial Navy Medium Group Armor Repairer | 111000.0 | 111111.0 | ||
Federation Navy Medium Group Armor Repairer | 111000.0 | 111111.0 | ||
'Engineer' Medium Group Armor Repairer | 4670000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
MK7 Large Group Armor Repairer | 21400000.0 | 1150000.0 | 18299777.0 | 1300000.0 |
MK9 Large Group Armor Repairer | 302000.0 | 302203.0 | ||
MK5 Small Group Capacitor Transmitter | 301000.0 | 46600.0 | 165000.0 | 72751.0 |
MK7 Small Group Capacitor Transmitter | 300000.0 | 1000.0 | 299999.0 | |
MK5 Medium Group Capacitor Transmitter | 1930000.0 | 70100.0 | 1400000.0 | 1000000.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Capacitor Transmitter | 6330000.0 | 863000.0 | 4930000.0 | 1888888.0 |
'Ghost' Medium Group Capacitor Transmitter | 210000.0 | 250000.0 | ||
MK7 Large Group Capacitor Transmitter | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
MK9 Large Group Capacitor Transmitter | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
'Ghost' Large Group Capacitor Transmitter | 11100.0 | 11111.0 | ||
'The Returned' Macro Particle Stabilizer | 48800.0 | 8530.0 | 15000.0 | 20001.0 |
Yan-Jung Macro Particle Stabilizer | 1120000.0 | 2100000.0 | ||
Railgun Collision Accelerator I | 3780000.0 | 1110000.0 | 2999999.0 | 1334100.0 |
Railgun Collision Accelerator II | 94100000.0 | 15500000.0 | 92000000.0 | 50000000.0 |
Railgun Ambit Extension I | 238000.0 | 100.0 | 125000.0 | 60000.0 |
Railgun Ambit Extension II | 15800000.0 | 223000.0 | 14000000.0 | 500000.0 |
Railgun Discharge Elutriation I | 276000.0 | 20000.0 | 60000.0 | 20000.0 |
Railgun Discharge Elutriation II | 2910000.0 | 150000.0 | 1899000.0 | 150000.0 |
Railgun Burst Aerator I | 1030000.0 | 11500.0 | 800000.0 | 100000.0 |
Railgun Burst Aerator II | 38400000.0 | 2100000.0 | 29700000.0 | 2100000.0 |
Algid Railgun Administrations Unit I | 219000.0 | 2100000.0 | 85000.0 | |
Algid Railgun Administrations Unit II | 2380000.0 | 2100000.0 | 1000000.0 | |
Laser Collision Accelerator I | 982000.0 | 346000.0 | 840000.0 | 501000.0 |
Laser Collision Accelerator II | 40900000.0 | 18000000.0 | 35000000.0 | 28000000.0 |
Laser Ambit Extension I | 130000.0 | 100000.0 | 40000.0 | |
Laser Ambit Extension II | 2080000.0 | 500000.0 | 1000000.0 | 500000.0 |
Laser Discharge Elutriation I | 134000.0 | 5000.0 | 20000.0 | 20000.0 |
Laser Discharge Elutriation II | 2030000.0 | 450000.0 | 1950000.0 | 450000.0 |
Laser Burst Aerator I | 439000.0 | 194000.0 | 225750.0 | 250000.0 |
Laser Burst Aerator II | 21600000.0 | 2810000.0 | 16800000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit I | 50600.0 | 2810000.0 | 28000.0 | |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit II | 1320000.0 | 450000.0 | 529999.0 | |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit IV | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Cannon Collision Accelerator I | 3340000.0 | 1850000.0 | 2749000.0 | 2600000.0 |
Cannon Collision Accelerator II | 54600000.0 | 13400000.0 | 49000000.0 | 30000001.0 |
Cannon Collision Accelerator III | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Cannon Ambit Extension I | 453000.0 | 163000.0 | 333333.0 | 200002.0 |
Cannon Ambit Extension II | 10400000.0 | 1360000.0 | 8400000.0 | 3500000.0 |
Cannon Ambit Extension III | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Cannon Burst Aerator I | 1240000.0 | 718000.0 | 798000.0 | 900000.0 |
Cannon Burst Aerator II | 29500000.0 | 9170000.0 | 24999999.0 | 17500000.0 |
Cannon Burst Aerator III | 2000.0 | 2000.0 | ||
Cannon Metastasis Adjuster I | 280000.0 | 30000.0 | 105000.0 | 30000.0 |
Cannon Metastasis Adjuster II | 5260000.0 | 125000.0 | 2800000.0 | 124520.0 |
Decomposer Collision Accelerator I | 80700000.0 | 8840000.0 | 58000000.0 | 41000000.0 |
Decomposer Collision Accelerator II | 167000000.0 | 5210000.0 | 138999779.0 | 20000000.0 |
Decomposer Collision Accelerator III | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Decomposer Collision Accelerator IV | 5000.0 | 5000.0 | ||
Decomposer Ambit Extension I | 30300000.0 | 4150000.0 | 25000000.0 | 12090000.0 |
Decomposer Ambit Extension II | 100000000.0 | 7500000.0 | 80000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Decomposer Discharge Elutriation I | 10900000.0 | 13800.0 | 9000000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Decomposer Discharge Elutriation II | 42900000.0 | 1000.0 | 32000000.0 | 1000.0 |
Decomposer Burst Aerator I | 27300000.0 | 6280000.0 | 19999999.0 | 10500000.0 |
Decomposer Burst Aerator II | 132000000.0 | 1000000.0 | 55000000.0 | 1000035.0 |
Decomposer Algid Hybrid Administrations Unit I | 4860000.0 | 1000000.0 | 2850000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Decomposer Algid Hybrid Administrations Unit II | 20000000.0 | 2.0 | 19998755.0 | 2.0 |
Warhead Flare Catalyst I | 215000.0 | 31000.0 | 119000.0 | 33000.0 |
Warhead Flare Catalyst II | 4530000.0 | 403000.0 | 3000000.0 | |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I | 19100000.0 | 7490000.0 | 16399999.0 | 13555555.0 |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II | 129000000.0 | 34000000.0 | 118000000.0 | 75555555.0 |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst III | 4020000.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Warhead Rigor Catalyst I | 276000.0 | 46700.0 | 115000.0 | 130000.0 |
Warhead Rigor Catalyst II | 5410000.0 | 1030000.0 | 4999999.0 | 3000000.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition I | 635000.0 | 193000.0 | 399999.0 | 300000.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II | 23000000.0 | 6160000.0 | 18999999.0 | 13000000.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition III | 50000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I | 485000.0 | 140000.0 | 350000.0 | 312998.0 |
Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II | 21700000.0 | 4150000.0 | 18999999.0 | 11500000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator I | 6160000.0 | 1560000.0 | 3999999.0 | 3000000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator II | 70900000.0 | 39900000.0 | 64449007.0 | 50000000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator III | 19700000.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Bay Loading Accelerator IV | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Core Defense Operational Solidifier I | 150000.0 | 2.0 | 55000.0 | 2.0 |
Core Defense Operational Solidifier II | 1730000.0 | 87800.0 | 1329000.0 | 150000.0 |
Core Defense Operational Solidifier III | 50.0 | 50.0 | ||
Core Defense Charge Economizer I | 702000.0 | 320000.0 | 499000.0 | 500000.0 |
Core Defense Charge Economizer II | 16800000.0 | 6300000.0 | 12499999.0 | 8200000.0 |
Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard I | 255000.0 | 50800.0 | 100000.0 | 60000.0 |
Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II | 3560000.0 | 13500.0 | 2300000.0 | 25000.0 |
Core Defense Field Extender I | 971000.0 | 288000.0 | 800000.0 | 675000.0 |
Core Defense Field Extender II | 15400000.0 | 3880000.0 | 13400000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I | 58800.0 | 14200.0 | 20000.0 | 35000.0 |
Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II | 2020000.0 | 101000.0 | 1200000.0 | 400000.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I | 1660000.0 | 393000.0 | 998500.0 | 750000.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II | 18800000.0 | 2350000.0 | 16499999.0 | 7100000.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer IV | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I | 58300.0 | 2080.0 | 38000.0 | 45000.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II | 3390000.0 | 101000.0 | 1950000.0 | |
Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I | 412000.0 | 126000.0 | 198000.0 | 222222.0 |
Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II | 16700000.0 | 1610000.0 | 16400000.0 | 2800000.0 |
Nanobot Accelerator I | 174000.0 | 18400.0 | 90000.0 | 30000.0 |
Nanobot Accelerator II | 6300000.0 | 642000.0 | 4900000.0 | 1111112.0 |
Auxiliary Nano Pump I | 1070000.0 | 335000.0 | 800000.0 | 900000.0 |
Auxiliary Nano Pump II | 45800000.0 | 17900000.0 | 39999999.0 | 29000000.0 |
Repair Augmentor I | 181000.0 | 9540.0 | 85000.0 | 10000.0 |
Repair Augmentor II | 6770000.0 | 434000.0 | 4000000.0 | 2101000.0 |
Trimark Armor Pump I | 2340000.0 | 725000.0 | 999999.0 | 900001.0 |
Trimark Armor Pump II | 36100000.0 | 15800000.0 | 29999998.0 | 19000000.0 |
Anti-Explosive Pump I | 718000.0 | 59.4 | 590000.0 | 500000.0 |
Anti-Explosive Pump II | 39900000.0 | 6920000.0 | 34900000.0 | 28000000.0 |
Anti-EM Pump I | 279000.0 | 1000.0 | 100000.0 | 150000.0 |
Anti-EM Pump II | 10300000.0 | 409000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1209899.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Pump I | 169000.0 | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | |
Anti-Kinetic Pump II | 8780000.0 | 101000.0 | 6350000.0 | 100883.0 |
Anti-Thermal Pump I | 281000.0 | 500.0 | 99000.0 | 500.0 |
Anti-Thermal Pump II | 16400000.0 | 3120000.0 | 9000000.0 | 6000000.0 |
Dynamic Fuel Valve I | 2140000.0 | 860000.0 | 1540000.0 | 1100000.0 |
Dynamic Fuel Valve II | 17100000.0 | 3510000.0 | 12000000.0 | 6500000.0 |
Dynamic Fuel Valve III | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Auxiliary Thrusters I | 9830000.0 | 4940000.0 | 8999999.0 | 7500000.0 |
Auxiliary Thrusters II | 81500000.0 | 17300000.0 | 73000000.0 | 41000000.0 |
Auxiliary Thrusters III | 19700000.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Polycarbon Engine Housing I | 4680000.0 | 1540000.0 | 3600000.0 | 2500001.0 |
Polycarbon Engine Housing II | 31300000.0 | 6880000.0 | 27500000.0 | 15250883.0 |
Polycarbon Engine Housing III | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Cargohold Optimization I | 9390000.0 | 4010000.0 | 8499999.0 | 6000000.0 |
Cargohold Optimization II | 26700000.0 | 4020000.0 | 22000000.0 | 7000001.0 |
Cargohold Optimization III | 28800.0 | 55000.0 | ||
Cargohold Optimization IV | 8410.0 | 15000.0 | ||
Higgs Anchor I | 420000.0 | 15500.0 | 300000.0 | 30000.0 |
Higgs Anchor II | 3620000.0 | 100000.0 | 1000000.0 | 100000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer I | 21600000.0 | 12400000.0 | 20000000.0 | 18000000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer II | 235000000.0 | 66900000.0 | 235000000.0 | 190000000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer III | 2550000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Warp Core Optimizer IV | 500000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I | 596000.0 | 296000.0 | 250000.0 | 400000.0 |
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II | 5230000.0 | 1230000.0 | 3700000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer III | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer IV | 15000.0 | 15000.0 | ||
Semiconductor Memory Cell I | 21300000.0 | 6710000.0 | 18799999.0 | 15000000.0 |
Semiconductor Memory Cell II | 128000000.0 | 27300000.0 | 100000000.0 | 62000000.0 |
Semiconductor Memory Cell III | 10.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Semiconductor Memory Cell IV | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Capacitor Control Circuit I | 38100000.0 | 14500000.0 | 37399999.0 | 31500000.0 |
Capacitor Control Circuit II | 208000000.0 | 51400000.0 | 190000000.0 | 95000000.0 |
Capacitor Control Circuit III | 14800000.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Capacitor Control Circuit IV | 3500.0 | 5000.0 | ||
Ancillary Powergrid Router I | 5670000.0 | 981000.0 | 4000000.0 | 3200050.0 |
Ancillary Powergrid Router II | 60000000.0 | 9820000.0 | 60000000.0 | 35000000.0 |
Ancillary Powergrid Router III | 19700000.0 | 19700000.0 | ||
Targeting System Subcontroller I | 3380000.0 | 572000.0 | 3000000.0 | 1850000.0 |
Targeting System Subcontroller II | 45800000.0 | 8520000.0 | 36000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I | 214000.0 | 27700.0 | 100000.0 | 50000.0 |
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II | 4900000.0 | 195000.0 | 3800000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Emission Scope Sharpener I | 267000.0 | 5000.0 | 108000.0 | 5002.0 |
Emission Scope Sharpener II | 4260000.0 | 683000.0 | 3850000.0 | 888889.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade I | 16300000.0 | 4750000.0 | 14000000.0 | 8000111.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade II | 57100000.0 | 6190000.0 | 51999999.0 | 38000000.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade III | 1580.0 | 1000010.0 | ||
Miner Efficiency Upgrade IV | 18700.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Miner Circulation Accelerator I | 29000000.0 | 13200000.0 | 27000000.0 | 22000000.0 |
Miner Circulation Accelerator II | 143000000.0 | 15100000.0 | 135000000.0 | 65000000.0 |
Miner Circulation Accelerator III | 1280.0 | 100001.0 | ||
Miner Circulation Accelerator IV | 164000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Miner Range Controller I | 137000.0 | 22100.0 | 99000.0 | 70000.0 |
Miner Range Controller II | 9000000.0 | 1730000.0 | 7490000.0 | 2222222.0 |
Miner Algid Optimizer I | 69500.0 | 20000.0 | 25000.0 | |
Miner Algid Optimizer II | 547000.0 | 20000.0 | 130000.0 | |
Transverse Bulkhead I | 622000.0 | 200000.0 | 300000.0 | 200000.0 |
Transverse Bulkhead II | 6800000.0 | 3000000.0 | 5150000.0 | |
Anti-Explosive Transverse Bulkhead I | 98000.0 | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | |
Anti-Explosive Transverse Bulkhead II | 1300000.0 | 750000.0 | 800000.0 | 800000.0 |
Anti-EM Transverse Bulkhead I | 185000.0 | 30000.0 | 20000.0 | |
Anti-EM Transverse Bulkhead II | 1680000.0 | 300000.0 | 900000.0 | |
Anti-Kinetic Transverse Bulkhead I | 124000.0 | 300000.0 | 1000.0 | |
Anti-Kinetic Transverse Bulkhead II | 1070000.0 | 600000.0 | 500000.0 | |
Anti-Thermal Transverse Bulkhead I | 187000.0 | 600000.0 | 19000.0 | |
Anti-Thermal Transverse Bulkhead II | 1100000.0 | 700000.0 | 499999.0 | 700000.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor I | 366000.0 | 97400.0 | 288888.0 | 200000.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor II | 36900000.0 | 14600000.0 | 30888888.0 | 25000000.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor III | 15000000.0 | 15000000.0 | ||
Drone Scope Chip I | 63800.0 | 20000.0 | 10000.0 | 20000.0 |
Drone Scope Chip II | 1270000.0 | 300000.0 | 700000.0 | |
Drone Scope Chip III | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Drone Speed Augmentor I | 224000.0 | 66700.0 | 74000.0 | 70000.0 |
Drone Speed Augmentor II | 16600000.0 | 2850000.0 | 13888888.0 | 3500000.0 |
Drone Speed Augmentor III | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Drone Control Range Augmentor I | 550000.0 | 77200.0 | 340000.0 | 200000.0 |
Drone Control Range Augmentor II | 80200000.0 | 33000000.0 | 78500000.0 | 41000000.0 |
Drone Control Range Augmentor III | 10000000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Civilian Acolyte | 2000.0 | 982.0 | 2000.0 | 3635.0 |
MK3 Acolyte | 37200.0 | 3130.0 | 10000.0 | 15000.0 |
MK5 Acolyte | 507000.0 | 37000.0 | 325000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Acolyte | 661000.0 | 112000.0 | 575000.0 | 500000.0 |
MK9 Acolyte | 2000.0 | 2000.0 | ||
Imperial Navy Acolyte | 3770000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Civilian Hornet | 12000.0 | 546.0 | 12000.0 | 4050.0 |
MK3 Hornet | 34400.0 | 1230.0 | 24999.0 | 5500.0 |
MK5 Hornet | 513000.0 | 91400.0 | 399000.0 | 310000.0 |
MK7 Hornet | 1070000.0 | 118000.0 | 900000.0 | 511000.0 |
Caldari Navy Hornet | 1370000.0 | 1371200.0 | ||
Civilian Hobgoblin | 12000.0 | 1130.0 | 12000.0 | 4275.0 |
MK3 Hobgoblin | 36000.0 | 7480.0 | 24749.0 | 15000.0 |
MK5 Hobgoblin | 723000.0 | 204000.0 | 540069.0 | 400001.0 |
MK7 Hobgoblin | 1920000.0 | 364000.0 | 999900.0 | 551000.0 |
Federation Navy Hobgoblin | 5430000.0 | 7000000.0 | ||
Civilian Warrior | 11700.0 | 1110.0 | 11000 | 4425.0 |
MK3 Warrior | 38700.0 | 5610.0 | 18000.0 | 50000.0 |
MK5 Warrior | 457000.0 | 191000.0 | 380000.0 | 400000.0 |
MK7 Warrior | 853000.0 | 104000.0 | 670000.0 | 111000.0 |
Republic Fleet Warrior | 265000.0 | 1400000.0 | ||
MK5 Infiltrator | 5050000.0 | 1080000.0 | 2999999.0 | 2001000.0 |
MK7 Infiltrator | 11100000.0 | 2260000.0 | 9490000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Imperial Navy Infiltrator | 5160000.0 | 17500000.0 | ||
MK5 Vespa | 1960000.0 | 150.0 | 1600000.0 | 1100000.0 |
MK7 Vespa | 10100000.0 | 4220000.0 | 8000000.0 | 7589658.0 |
Caldari Navy Vespa | 2590000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
MK5 Hammerhead | 5050000.0 | 1370000.0 | 4399999.0 | 3888888.0 |
MK7 Hammerhead | 28400000.0 | 10700000.0 | 25000000.0 | 24015000.0 |
MK9 Hammerhead | 1760000.0 | 1755200.0 | ||
Federation Navy Hammerhead | 2080000.0 | 2743567.0 | ||
MK5 Valkyrie | 2150000.0 | 45700.0 | 1700000.0 | 1800000.0 |
MK7 Valkyrie | 7380000.0 | 3470000.0 | 6800000.0 | 6000000.0 |
MK9 Valkyrie | 5000.0 | 5000.0 | ||
Republic Fleet Valkyrie | 595000.0 | 2743567.0 | ||
MK7 Praetor | 8550000.0 | 688000.0 | 4086400.0 | 1002222.0 |
Imperial Navy Praetor | 11000000.0 | 10969600.0 | ||
MK7 Wasp | 8700000.0 | 1020000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1022222.0 |
MK9 Wasp | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
MK7 Ogre | 13700000.0 | 577000.0 | 9000000.0 | 4000000.0 |
MK9 Ogre | 2000.0 | 2000.0 | ||
MK7 Berserker | 7450000.0 | 1000000.0 | 5000000.0 | 1002222.0 |
MK7 Curator | 12900000.0 | 1000000.0 | 6650000.0 | 1002222.0 |
MK7 Warden | 20500000.0 | 584000.0 | 13888888.0 | 1002222.0 |
MK9 Warden | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
MK7 Guard | 22500000.0 | 7810000.0 | 19888888.0 | 8000000.0 |
Federation Navy Guard | 4.0 | 4.0 | ||
MK7 Bouncer | 12600000.0 | 1000000.0 | 6500000.0 | 1002222.0 |
Capsuleer Outpost | 26000.0 | 3999999.0 | ||
Standard Standup Medium Missile Launcher | 500000000.0 | 2.0 | 499999999.0 | 5.0 |
Standard Standup Large Missile Launcher | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
Standard Standup Stasis Webifier | 200000.0 | 200000.0 | ||
Standard Standup Warp Disruptor | 500000000.0 | 14400.0 | 500000000.0 | 150000.0 |
Standard Standup Energy Neutralizer | 10.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Production Service Center | 11100.0 | 11111.0 | ||
Structure Construction Parts | 235000000.0 | 518000.0 | 234999999.0 | 1625385.0 |
Structure Hangar Array | 255000000.0 | 233000.0 | 240000000.0 | 500100.0 |
Structure Storage Bay | 250000000.0 | 123000.0 | 249999999.0 | 358268.0 |
Structure Laboratory | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Structure Factory | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Structure Repair Facility | 250000000.0 | 257000.0 | 249999999.0 | 300000.0 |
Structure Reprocessing Plant | 500000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Structure Docking Bay | 269000000.0 | 500000.0 | 268999999.0 | |
Structure Market Network | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Structure Medical Center | 254000000.0 | 550000.0 | 254000000.0 | |
Structure Office Center | 250000000.0 | 500000.0 | 250000000.0 | |
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor | 137000000.0 | 137472706.0 | ||
Structure Acceleration Coils | 10200.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Structure Advertisement Nexus | 20000.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Datacore - Amarrian Starship Engineering | 218000.0 | 118000.0 | 170000.0 | 156000.0 |
Datacore - Electromagnetic Physics | 38200.0 | 7850.0 | 9999.0 | 25000.0 |
Datacore - Gallentean Starship Engineering | 277000.0 | 183000.0 | 220000.0 | 214000.0 |
Datacore - High Energy Physics | 44500.0 | 19100.0 | 18000.0 | 33000.0 |
Datacore - Rocket Science | 73000.0 | 34200.0 | 45000.0 | 43001.0 |
Datacore - Mechanical Engineering | 333000.0 | 249000.0 | 250000.0 | 291000.0 |
Datacore - Laser Physics | 22100.0 | 6230.0 | 10000.0 | 14000.0 |
Datacore - Caldari Starship Engineering | 430000.0 | 353000.0 | 375000.0 | 430000.0 |
Datacore - Minmatar Starship Engineering | 726000.0 | 316000.0 | 595000.0 | 570000.0 |
Metal Scraps | 1940.0 | 830.0 | 795.0 | 1151.0 |
Reinforced Metal Scraps | 3380.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Ancient Remains | 48500.0 | 35500.0 | 35000.0 | 55000.0 |
PLEX | 199000.0 | 175000.0 | 197000.0 | 177006.0 |
Divine Redemption | 19300000.0 | 19800.0 | 17900000.0 | 15000000.0 |
True Divine Trial | 21900000.0 | 1840.0 | 19500000.0 | 17800000.0 |
Spark of Rebellion | 10700000.0 | 4690000.0 | 9300000.0 | 9600000.0 |
For Freedom | 11900000.0 | 25.7 | 9900000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Matar Reborn | 42700000.0 | 3280000.0 | 38800000.0 | 31600000.0 |
Angel or Devil | 92700000.0 | 12400000.0 | 85000000.0 | 73000000.0 |
Disaster Relief | 20800000.0 | 54100.0 | 18000000.0 | 3000000.0 |
A Soldier's Way | 43600000.0 | 601000.0 | 38400000.0 | 33000001.0 |
Bad Hare Day | 93600000.0 | 14900.0 | 88000000.0 | 75000000.0 |
Mega Corporation | 28700000.0 | 9300.0 | 27499999.0 | 22000000.0 |
For Patriotism | 12200000.0 | 4080000.0 | 11500000.0 | 10500001.0 |
Modern World | 9210000.0 | 1630000.0 | 7800000.0 | 7500000.0 |
Business Magnate | 20100000.0 | 1900000.0 | 18000000.0 | 15850000.0 |
Super Soft Drink | 13500000.0 | 8070000.0 | 12400000.0 | 10251000.0 |
'Conqueror' Supply Chest | 2640000.0 | 1060000.0 | 1495000.0 | 1211000.0 |
'Devout' Supply Chest | 21200000.0 | 6990000.0 | 16000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
'Martyr' Supply Chest | 22700000.0 | 7500000.0 | 17800000.0 | 16000000.0 |
'Patriot' Supply Chest | 4720000.0 | 56800.0 | 2000000.0 | 2100000.0 |
'Soldier' Supply Chest | 36300000.0 | 3120000.0 | 31000000.0 | 29700000.0 |
'Hunter' Supply Chest | 61600000.0 | 6980000.0 | 28999999.0 | 18000000.0 |
'Quafe Exclusive' Supply Chest | 2010000.0 | 960000.0 | 1200000.0 | 1110000.0 |
'Investor' Supply Chest | 20600000.0 | 3390000.0 | 17500000.0 | 14400000.0 |
'Detective' Supply Chest | 30200000.0 | 7990000.0 | 21000000.0 | 14000001.0 |
'Revolt' Supply Chest | 2490000.0 | 1260000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1900000.0 |
'Survivor' Supply Chest | 22600000.0 | 9940000.0 | 18000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
'Guardian' Supply Chest | 27500000.0 | 1710000.0 | 23500000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Chip: Cognitive Neuroscience Lv. 5 | 19400000.0 | 12700000.0 | 18000000.0 | 16000000.0 |
Chip: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Lv. 5 | 57900000.0 | 29800000.0 | 50000000.0 | 41000000.0 |
Chip: Expert Cognitive Neuroscience Lv. 5 | 286000000.0 | 127000000.0 | 269999999.0 | 240000000.0 |
Tritanium | 3.0 | 2.35 | 2.0 | 3.0 |
Pyerite | 37.8 | 36.5 | 30.0 | 39.0 |
Mexallon | 49.2 | 48.9 | 45.0 | 55.0 |
Isogen | 152.0 | 137.0 | 143.0 | 165.0 |
Nocxium | 2360.0 | 2060.0 | 1995.0 | 2200.0 |
Zydrine | 2650.0 | 1930.0 | 2000.0 | 2863.63 |
Megacyte | 4660.0 | 2220.0 | 4100.0 | 4000.0 |
Morphite | 6020.0 | 2180.0 | 3600.0 | 4500.0 |
Charred Micro Circuit | 486.0 | 365.0 | 297.0 | 600.0 |
Fried Interface Circuit | 4310.0 | 2270.0 | 3400.0 | 4001.0 |
Tripped Power Circuit | 5350.0 | 1650.0 | 3800.0 | 3600.0 |
Smashed Trigger Unit | 227.0 | 128.0 | 150.0 | 260.0 |
Damaged Close-in Weapon System | 2080.0 | 720.0 | 900.0 | 1500.0 |
Scorched Telemetry Processor | 20900.0 | 1870.0 | 17000.0 | 13000.0 |
Contaminated Lorentz Fluid | 342.0 | 96.4 | 101.0 | 350.0 |
Conductive Polymer | 147.0 | 59.4 | 110.0 | 165.0 |
Contaminated Nanite Polymer | 1440.0 | 1010.0 | 999.0 | 2000.0 |
Defective Current Pump | 186.0 | 114.0 | 140.0 | 818.18 |
Lustering Alloy | 93.4 | 52.3 | 59.0 | 95.0 |
Sheen Compound | 139.0 | 103.0 | 120.0 | 135.0 |
Gleaming Alloy | 175.0 | 100.0 | 140.0 | 167.0 |
Condensed Alloy | 268.0 | 140.0 | 149.0 | 200.0 |
Precious Alloy | 373.0 | 291.0 | 300.0 | 450.0 |
Motley Compound | 134.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 300.0 |
Fiber Composite | 98.7 | 48.4 | 60.0 | 95.0 |
Lucent Compound | 176.0 | 114.0 | 139.0 | 251.0 |
Opulent Compound | 111.0 | 74.4 | 84.0 | 120.0 |
Glossy Compound | 126.0 | 84.5 | 105.0 | 106.0 |
Crystal Compound | 151.0 | 32.8 | 100.0 | 157.23 |
Dark Compound | 144.0 | 42.5 | 100.0 | 119.0 |
Reactive Gas | 132.0 | 18.8 | 90.0 | 75.0 |
Noble Gas | 131.0 | 18.4 | 65.0 | 70.0 |
Base Metals | 172.0 | 124.0 | 120.0 | 180.0 |
Heavy Metals | 244.0 | 197.0 | 200.0 | 260.0 |
Noble Metals | 180.0 | 128.0 | 140.0 | 160.0 |
Reactive Metals | 414.0 | 322.0 | 320.0 | 592.56 |
Toxic Metals | 546.0 | 374.0 | 419.0 | 550.0 |
Industrial Fibers | 238.0 | 33.8 | 100.0 | 300.0 |
Supertensile Plastics | 191.0 | 66.4 | 79.0 | 150.0 |
Polyaramids | 173.0 | 18.6 | 1.0 | 100.0 |
Coolant | 173.0 | 32.8 | 70.0 | 100.0 |
Condensates | 199.0 | 13.2 | 70.0 | 58.0 |
Construction Blocks | 160.0 | 30.5 | 50.0 | 166.93 |
Nanites | 402.0 | 63.9 | 189.0 | 200.0 |
Silicate Glass | 290.0 | 73.4 | 160.0 | 350.0 |
Smartfab Units | 211.0 | 48.4 | 60.0 | 150.0 |
Heavy Water | 4.18 | 2.97 | 2.0 | 5.0 |
Suspended Plasma | 10.7 | 2.24 | 5.0 | 7.0 |
Liquid Ozone | 51.9 | 18.3 | 15.0 | 45.0 |
Ionic Solutions | 269.0 | 20.7 | 100.0 | 350.0 |
Oxygen Isotopes | 742.0 | 298.0 | 490.0 | 503.0 |
Plasmoids | 1650.0 | 1090.0 | 950.0 | 1500.0 |
Lv.4 Amarr Ship Debris | 3830.0 | 1670.0 | 2000.0 | 3000.0 |
Lv.5 Amarr Ship Debris | 6850.0 | 1020.0 | 1850.0 | 3333.0 |
Lv.6 Amarr Ship Debris | 4470.0 | 2280.0 | 3000.0 | 6500.0 |
Lv.7 Amarr Ship Debris | 154000.0 | 18900.0 | 32000.0 | 50000.0 |
Lv.8 Amarr Ship Debris | 39500.0 | 12800.0 | 22900.0 | 18060.0 |
Lv.9 Amarr Ship Debris | 336000.0 | 83000.0 | 175000.0 | 160000.0 |
Lv.10 Amarr Ship Debris | 210000.0 | 52300.0 | 140000.0 | 120000.0 |
Lv.4 Caldari Ship Debris | 5460.0 | 2210.0 | 2700.0 | 6700.0 |
Lv.5 Caldari Ship Debris | 7450.0 | 3060.0 | 2900.0 | 10000.0 |
Lv.6 Caldari Ship Debris | 9240.0 | 7160.0 | 7500.0 | 15000.0 |
Lv.7 Caldari Ship Debris | 82200.0 | 36800.0 | 35000.0 | 62000.0 |
Lv.8 Caldari Ship Debris | 106000.0 | 52700.0 | 80000.0 | 75101.0 |
Lv.9 Caldari Ship Debris | 156000.0 | 59600.0 | 90000.0 | 72000.0 |
Lv.10 Caldari Ship Debris | 167000.0 | 33400.0 | 68752.0 | 52000.0 |
Lv.4 Gallente Ship Debris | 2840.0 | 1210.0 | 1450.0 | 2750.0 |
Lv.5 Gallente Ship Debris | 7210.0 | 1270.0 | 2500.0 | 3800.0 |
Lv.6 Gallente Ship Debris | 4770.0 | 1220.0 | 1000.0 | 2700.0 |
Lv.7 Gallente Ship Debris | 23700.0 | 3600.0 | 12000.0 | 20000.0 |
Lv.8 Gallente Ship Debris | 39000.0 | 11800.0 | 24000.0 | 20000.0 |
Lv.9 Gallente Ship Debris | 228000.0 | 21900.0 | 178000.0 | 120000.0 |
Lv.10 Gallente Ship Debris | 187000.0 | 85800.0 | 155999.0 | 140000.0 |
Lv.4 Minmatar Ship Debris | 8110.0 | 2800.0 | 4999.0 | 6750.0 |
Lv.5 Minmatar Ship Debris | 17400.0 | 5550.0 | 5000.0 | 19090.91 |
Lv.6 Minmatar Ship Debris | 15000.0 | 8830.0 | 9000.0 | 25000.0 |
Lv.7 Minmatar Ship Debris | 196000.0 | 72700.0 | 50000.0 | 125001.0 |
Lv.8 Minmatar Ship Debris | 384000.0 | 64200.0 | 140000.0 | 81200.0 |
Lv.9 Minmatar Ship Debris | 244000.0 | 52400.0 | 130000.0 | 57001.0 |
Lv.10 Minmatar Ship Debris | 108000.0 | 26400.0 | 79999.0 | 70000.0 |
Small Damaged ORE Hull | 269000.0 | 234000.0 | 230000.0 | 300000.0 |
Medium Damaged ORE Hull | 1010000.0 | 467000.0 | 770000.0 | 850000.0 |
Large Damaged ORE Hull | 60600.0 | 135000.0 | ||
Guristas Ship Debris | 55900000.0 | 4480000.0 | 49980000.0 | 46666666.0 |
Sansha Ship Debris | 9120000.0 | 2770000.0 | 7499000.0 | 9000000.0 |
Angel Ship Debris | 11600000.0 | 4460000.0 | 9000000.0 | 7600002.0 |
Serpentis Ship Debris | 23400000.0 | 1810000.0 | 17500000.0 | 14000000.0 |
SOE Ship Debris | 70100.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Mordu's Legion Ship Debris | 2480000.0 | 15000000.0 | ||
Small Damaged InterBus Hull | 366.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Medium Damaged InterBus Hull | 14000.0 | 5130.0 | 10000.0 | 7000.0 |
Large Damaged InterBus Hull | 205.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Veldspar | 5.23 | 5.84 | 1.0 | 8.0 |
Compressed Veldspar | 203.0 | 44.3 | 148.0 | 100.0 |
Scordite | 20.0 | 20.8 | 17.0 | 25.0 |
Compressed Scordite | 1980.0 | 100.0 | 200.0 | 153.0 |
Pyroxeres | 454.0 | 509.0 | 400.0 | 520.0 |
Compressed Pyroxeres | 5840.0 | 770.0 | 4300.0 | 5000.0 |
Plagioclase | 30.9 | 31.9 | 25.0 | 40.0 |
Compressed Plagioclase | 610.0 | 17.3 | 500.0 | 200.0 |
Omber | 58.5 | 67.5 | 36.0 | 71.0 |
Compressed Omber | 1790.0 | 541.0 | 1400.0 | 720.0 |
Kernite | 157.0 | 164.0 | 140.0 | 175.0 |
Compressed Kernite | 3820.0 | 525.0 | 3000.0 | 1500.0 |
Jaspet | 1510.0 | 1300.0 | 1300.0 | 1550.0 |
Compressed Jaspet | 38400.0 | 5740.0 | 30000.0 | 11000.0 |
Hemorphite | 875.0 | 831.0 | 700.0 | 1000.0 |
Compressed Hemorphite | 19900.0 | 1300.0 | 13000.0 | 5000.0 |
Hedbergite | 1060.0 | 1050.0 | 800.0 | 1211.0 |
Compressed Hedbergite | 22400.0 | 1000.0 | 15000.0 | 3500.0 |
Spodumain | 939.0 | 1050.0 | 800.0 | 1120.0 |
Compressed Spodumain | 15800.0 | 529.0 | 14999.0 | 12000.0 |
Dark Ochre | 490.0 | 519.0 | 400.0 | 550.0 |
Compressed Dark Ochre | 6070.0 | 1910.0 | 5000.0 | 4000.0 |
Gneiss | 586.0 | 627.0 | 400.0 | 675.0 |
Compressed Gneiss | 9780.0 | 258.0 | 5000.0 | 5002.0 |
Crokite | 2130.0 | 2100.0 | 1250.0 | 2251.0 |
Compressed Crokite | 64800.0 | 9850.0 | 64500.0 | 20000.0 |
Bistot | 2620.0 | 2070.0 | 1900.0 | 2500.0 |
Compressed Bistot | 56700.0 | 3400.0 | 35588.0 | 20000.0 |
Arkonor | 2420.0 | 1530.0 | 2000.0 | 2402.0 |
Compressed Arkonor | 62000.0 | 10400.0 | 55000.0 | 20000.0 |
Mercoxit | 2700.0 | 632.0 | 1930.0 | 1501.0 |
Compressed Mercoxit | 267000.0 | 853.0 | 250000.0 | 50000.0 |
Griffin Blueprint | 16200.0 | 16200.0 | 16239.0 | 16239.8 |
Bantam Blueprint | 1270000.0 | 66400.0 | 700000.0 | 250000.0 |
Bantam II Blueprint | 1720000.0 | 275000.0 | 1600000.0 | 500000.0 |
Condor II Blueprint | 16200.0 | 10000.0 | 16239.0 | 16800.0 |
Condor Interceptor Blueprint | 234000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Condor II Interceptor Blueprint | 226000.0 | 335000.0 | ||
Merlin Assault Blueprint | 3100000.0 | 655000.0 | 2400000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Manticore Blueprint | 1940000.0 | 575000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1300000.0 |
Manticore II Blueprint | 1820.0 | 1500000.0 | ||
Heron Covert Ops Blueprint | 1370000.0 | 209000.0 | 1150000.0 | 750000.0 |
Vigil Blueprint | 17200.0 | 209000.0 | 16238.0 | |
Burst Blueprint | 1750000.0 | 299000.0 | 1290000.0 | 299000.0 |
Burst II Blueprint | 3190000.0 | 949000.0 | 2399000.0 | 1600000.0 |
Slasher II Blueprint | 109000.0 | 18400.0 | 10000.0 | 20000.0 |
Slasher Interceptor Blueprint | 210000.0 | 299999.0 | ||
Slasher II Interceptor Blueprint | 184000.0 | 210337.76 | ||
Breacher Assault Blueprint | 5550000.0 | 685000.0 | 4500000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Hound Blueprint | 3820000.0 | 643000.0 | 2200000.0 | 915000.0 |
Hound II Blueprint | 164000.0 | 164296.8 | ||
Probe Covert Ops Blueprint | 2460000.0 | 609000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1200000.0 |
Crucifier Blueprint | 16200.0 | 15000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Inquisitor Blueprint | 250000.0 | 1.0 | 198500.0 | 1.0 |
Inquisitor II Blueprint | 742000.0 | 62500.0 | 299000.0 | 70000.0 |
Executioner II Blueprint | 196000.0 | 14600.0 | 16246.0 | 16500.0 |
Executioner II Interceptor Blueprint | 210000.0 | 210406.55 | ||
Punisher Assault Blueprint | 1710000.0 | 215000.0 | 1500000.0 | 301000.0 |
Purifier Blueprint | 1070000.0 | 296000.0 | 700000.0 | 355000.0 |
Purifier II Blueprint | 164000.0 | 164365.59 | ||
Magnate Covert Ops Blueprint | 726000.0 | 270000.0 | 499998.0 | 460000.0 |
Maulus Blueprint | 113000.0 | 1000.0 | 16238.0 | 1000.0 |
Navitas Blueprint | 744000.0 | 31900.0 | 500000.0 | |
Navitas II Blueprint | 1230000.0 | 60100.0 | 700000.0 | 60083.23 |
Atron II Blueprint | 72200.0 | 4650.0 | 16238.0 | 16238.03 |
Atron Interceptor Blueprint | 119000.0 | 119274.88 | ||
Atron II Interceptor Blueprint | 183000.0 | 210337.76 | ||
Incursus Assault Blueprint | 3470000.0 | 685000.0 | 3349000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Nemesis Blueprint | 1450000.0 | 235000.0 | 1000000.0 | 500000.0 |
Nemesis II Blueprint | 189000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Imicus Covert Ops Blueprint | 1380000.0 | 357000.0 | 899999.0 | 800000.0 |
Worm Blueprint | 80700000.0 | 22700000.0 | 68000000.0 | 55000000.0 |
Dramiel Blueprint | 18600000.0 | 5100000.0 | 14999998.0 | 12000000.0 |
Cruor Blueprint | 19000000.0 | 2910000.0 | 13999999.0 | 5000000.0 |
Astero Blueprint | 752000.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
Garmur Blueprint | 11000000.0 | 35000000.0 | ||
Succubus Blueprint | 19500000.0 | 2090000.0 | 16400000.0 | 13000000.0 |
Daredevil Blueprint | 31700000.0 | 8120000.0 | 23780000.0 | 12250000.0 |
Cormorant Guardian Blueprint | 2160000.0 | 349000.0 | 1800000.0 | 1000001.0 |
Corax Blueprint | 26300.0 | 20600.0 | 26299.0 | 26000.0 |
Cormorant II Blueprint | 23000.0 | 23000.0 | 22965.0 | |
Cormorant Navy Issue Blueprint | 2540000.0 | 508000.0 | 2099000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Corax Assault Blueprint | 3490000.0 | 383000.0 | 2899999.0 | 1100000.0 |
Corax Sniper Blueprint | 1930000.0 | 255000.0 | 1850000.0 | 1300000.0 |
Cormorant Covert Ops Blueprint | 309000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Thrasher Guardian Blueprint | 3200000.0 | 1230000.0 | 2500000.0 | 1600000.0 |
Talwar Blueprint | 71000.0 | 9660.0 | 22963.0 | 20000.0 |
Thrasher II Blueprint | 37500.0 | 23000.0 | 22963.0 | |
Thrasher Fleet Issue Blueprint | 2490000.0 | 21100.0 | 2490000.0 | 1650001.0 |
Talwar Assault Blueprint | 6020000.0 | 727000.0 | 4200000.0 | 3300000.0 |
Talwar Sniper Blueprint | 2290000.0 | 542000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Thrasher Covert Ops Blueprint | 141000.0 | 250257.42 | ||
Coercer Guardian Blueprint | 795000.0 | 199000.0 | 700000.0 | 325000.0 |
Dragoon Blueprint | 32300.0 | 20000.0 | 22975.0 | 20000.0 |
Coercer II Blueprint | 89200.0 | 414.0 | 20000.0 | 20000.0 |
Coercer Navy Issue Blueprint | 992000.0 | 216000.0 | 749999.0 | 320000.0 |
Dragoon Assault Blueprint | 1800000.0 | 61900.0 | 1550000.0 | 64000.0 |
Coercer Covert Ops Blueprint | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Catalyst Guardian Blueprint | 1600000.0 | 586000.0 | 1500000.0 | 1100000.0 |
Algos Blueprint | 56000.0 | 23000.0 | 22963.0 | |
Catalyst II Blueprint | 23100.0 | 2.0 | 20000.0 | 2.0 |
Catalyst Navy Issue Blueprint | 1940000.0 | 4750.0 | 1750000.0 | 800000.0 |
Algos Assault Blueprint | 4920000.0 | 797000.0 | 3000000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Algos Sniper Blueprint | 1580000.0 | 1.0 | 900000.0 | 950000.0 |
Catalyst Covert Ops Blueprint | 262000.0 | 300000.0 | ||
Moa Guardian Blueprint | 7300000.0 | 702000.0 | 6500000.0 | 2530593.0 |
Moa II Guardian Blueprint | 337000.0 | 355000.0 | ||
Blackbird Blueprint | 4040000.0 | 1020000.0 | 3800000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Osprey Blueprint | 10000000.0 | 1290000.0 | 8500000.0 | 3333333.0 |
Caracal Blueprint | 4190000.0 | 1570000.0 | 3700000.0 | 3500000.0 |
Moa Blueprint | 4320000.0 | 1330000.0 | 3750000.0 | 3900000.0 |
Caracal Navy Issue Blueprint | 4370000.0 | 1960000.0 | 4094000.0 | 4500000.0 |
Caracal Sniper Blueprint | 12100.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Blackbird Covert Ops Blueprint | 7600000.0 | 729000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Blackbird II Covert Ops Blueprint | 462000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Rupture Guardian Blueprint | 13000000.0 | 1950000.0 | 8500000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Rupture II Guardian Blueprint | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Bellicose Blueprint | 3930000.0 | 1180000.0 | 3389999.0 | 2300000.0 |
Scythe Blueprint | 419000.0 | 750000.0 | ||
Stabber Blueprint | 5970000.0 | 1450000.0 | 5799900.0 | 4000000.0 |
Stabber Fleet Issue Blueprint | 6080000.0 | 1140000.0 | 4175000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Rupture Blueprint | 7580000.0 | 1020000.0 | 7200000.0 | 3800000.0 |
Stabber Sniper Blueprint | 495000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Bellicose Covert Ops Blueprint | 14000000.0 | 278000.0 | 10000000.0 | 350000.0 |
Maller Guardian Blueprint | 4180000.0 | 461000.0 | 3150000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Maller II Guardian Blueprint | 290000.0 | 290900.0 | ||
Arbitrator Blueprint | 6000000.0 | 166000.0 | 3999999.0 | |
Augoror Blueprint | 7580000.0 | 1690000.0 | 5500000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Omen Blueprint | 1590000.0 | 471000.0 | 1075855.0 | 770000.0 |
Maller Blueprint | 2350000.0 | 671000.0 | 2200000.0 | 1500000.0 |
Omen Navy Issue Blueprint | 2010000.0 | 287000.0 | 1750000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Omen Sniper Blueprint | 399000.0 | 750000.0 | ||
Arbitrator Covert Ops Blueprint | 9250000.0 | 2010000.0 | 8750000.0 | 3510000.0 |
Arbitrator II Covert Ops Blueprint | 452000.0 | 452186.26 | ||
Thorax Guardian Blueprint | 6440000.0 | 346000.0 | 3595000.0 | 750000.0 |
Thorax II Guardian Blueprint | 290000.0 | 289924.36 | ||
Celestis Blueprint | 2390000.0 | 500.0 | 1500000.0 | 500.0 |
Exequror Blueprint | 9900000.0 | 1450000.0 | 9500000.0 | 6000000.0 |
Vexor Blueprint | 4420000.0 | 1840000.0 | 4200000.0 | 3600000.0 |
Vexor Navy Issue Blueprint | 4710000.0 | 45000.0 | 4249998.0 | 4000000.0 |
Thorax Blueprint | 2980000.0 | 681000.0 | 2699989.0 | 1100000.0 |
Vexor Sniper Blueprint | 951000.0 | 3333333.0 | ||
Celestis Covert Ops Blueprint | 6750000.0 | 300000.0 | 5500000.0 | 350000.0 |
Thorax Prototype Blueprint | 3760000.0 | 1590000.0 | 2875985.0 | 2700000.0 |
Gila Blueprint | 553000000.0 | 492000.0 | 500000000.0 | 375000000.0 |
Cynabal Blueprint | 108000000.0 | 21700000.0 | 88888888.0 | 55000000.0 |
Ashimmu Blueprint | 152000000.0 | 3480000.0 | 109999999.0 | 10000111.0 |
Stratios Blueprint | 4100000.0 | 7500000.0 | ||
Orthrus Blueprint | 3830000.0 | 20000000.0 | ||
Phantasm Blueprint | 197000000.0 | 2020000.0 | 105000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Vigilant Blueprint | 191000000.0 | 17600000.0 | 183000000.0 | 35000000.0 |
Ferox Guardian Blueprint | 236000.0 | 738705.04 | ||
Ferox II Guardian Blueprint | 10.0 | 939104.37 | ||
Naga Blueprint | 516000.0 | 600000.0 | ||
Drake Logistics Blueprint | 739000.0 | 738705.04 | ||
Ferox Blueprint | 11400000.0 | 2230000.0 | 9999000.0 | 8500000.0 |
Drake Blueprint | 1250000.0 | 20000000.0 | ||
Cyclone Guardian Blueprint | 1820000.0 | 4000000.0 | ||
Cyclone II Guardian Blueprint | 878000.0 | 877789.34 | ||
Tornado Blueprint | 1.0 | 510938.85 | ||
Tornado II Blueprint | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Cyclone Blueprint | 15100000.0 | 6120000.0 | 13000000.0 | 13000000.0 |
Hurricane Blueprint | 8980.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
Hurricane Prototype Blueprint | 16000000.0 | 2760000.0 | 14887776.0 | 10000000.0 |
Prophecy Guardian Blueprint | 792000.0 | 791762.51 | ||
Prophecy II Guardian Blueprint | 798.0 | 985214.31 | ||
Oracle Blueprint | 500000.0 | 499580.64 | ||
Oracle II Blueprint | 773000.0 | 773349.42 | ||
Harbinger Logistics Blueprint | 773000.0 | 773349.42 | ||
Prophecy Blueprint | 22300000.0 | 1630000.0 | 11500000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Harbinger Blueprint | 484000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Harbinger Prototype Blueprint | 6280000.0 | 1140000.0 | 4100000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Myrmidon Guardian Blueprint | 773000.0 | 772989.49 | ||
Myrmidon II Guardian Blueprint | 878000.0 | 877789.34 | ||
Talos Blueprint | 478000.0 | 477616.75 | ||
Talos II Blueprint | 773000.0 | 772989.49 | ||
Myrmidon Blueprint | 11100000.0 | 1240000.0 | 9600000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Brutix Blueprint | 3480.0 | 499326.6 | ||
Scorpion Blueprint | 1030000.0 | 1033843.43 | ||
Raven Striker Blueprint | 836000.0 | 1253739.48 | ||
Rokh Blueprint | 1060000.0 | 1057886.3 | ||
Raven Blueprint | 1200000.0 | 1199229.07 | ||
Typhoon Blueprint | 1030000.0 | 1033747.11 | ||
Tempest Blueprint | 1200000.0 | 1199136.94 | ||
Armageddon Blueprint | 750000.0 | 750000.0 | ||
Apocalypse Striker Blueprint | 627000.0 | 1254112.17 | ||
Abaddon Blueprint | 1200000.0 | 1199585.55 | ||
Megathron Striker Blueprint | 1200000.0 | 1199136.94 | ||
Dominix Blueprint | 1010000.0 | 1010774.95 | ||
Megathron Blueprint | 1010000.0 | 1010774.95 | ||
Rattlesnake Blueprint | 167000.0 | 300000.0 | ||
Machariel Blueprint | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Bhaalgorn Blueprint | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Nestor Blueprint | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Barghest Blueprint | 150000.0 | 300000.0 | ||
Vindicator Blueprint | 10000000.0 | 10000000.0 | ||
Tayra Blueprint | 3980000.0 | 1030000.0 | 3699000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Badger Blueprint | 322000.0 | 322115.92 | ||
Badger II Blueprint | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Mammoth Blueprint | 7780000.0 | 25200.0 | 7399999.0 | 4900000.0 |
Wreathe II Blueprint | 402000.0 | 401605.33 | ||
Bestower Blueprint | 1690000.0 | 174000.0 | 1100000.0 | 320000.0 |
Sigil Blueprint | 301000.0 | 301242.04 | ||
Kryos Blueprint | 3440000.0 | 1560000.0 | 3299000.0 | 2500000.0 |
Nereus Blueprint | 301000.0 | 301073.81 | ||
Nereus High Mobility Blueprint | 75000.0 | 4830.0 | 75000.0 | 51000.0 |
Nereus Combat Blueprint | 7250000.0 | 104000.0 | 3300000.0 | 300000.0 |
Nereus Hauling Blueprint | 388000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Imicus High Mobility Blueprint | 84300.0 | 350000.0 | ||
Humpback High Mobility Blueprint | 770000.0 | 769720.48 | ||
Humpback Hauling Blueprint | 706000.0 | 706002.4 | ||
Humpback Combat Blueprint | 604000.0 | 900000.0 | ||
Retriever Blueprint | 6010000.0 | 2970000.0 | 5150000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Procurer Blueprint | 343000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Covetor Blueprint | 603000.0 | 7000000.0 | ||
Venture Blueprint | 14400.0 | 184.0 | 14410.0 | 10000.0 |
Venture II Blueprint | 2260000.0 | 1060000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1600000.0 |
Venture III Blueprint | 2670000.0 | 1800000.0 | 2480000.0 | 2300000.0 |
MK5 Cloaking Device Blueprint | 23500000.0 | 1720000.0 | 9999999.0 | 9000000.0 |
MK7 Cloaking Device Blueprint | 11300000.0 | 708000.0 | 7000000.0 | 1300000.0 |
MK9 Cloaking Device Blueprint | 431000.0 | 431425.0 | ||
MK5 Covert Ops Cloaking Device Blueprint | 96600000.0 | 12900000.0 | 87000000.0 | 72100013.0 |
MK7 Covert Ops Cloaking Device Blueprint | 79000000.0 | 19800000.0 | 67000000.0 | 55000000.0 |
MK9 Covert Ops Cloaking Device Blueprint | 8570.0 | 10000.0 | ||
MK5 Small Shield Field Module Blueprint | 307000.0 | 39700.0 | 35249.0 | 40000.0 |
MK7 Small Shield Field Module Blueprint | 938000.0 | 18500.0 | 91028.0 | 200000.0 |
MK5 Medium Shield Field Module Blueprint | 514000.0 | 900.0 | 150000.0 | 100000.0 |
MK7 Medium Shield Field Module Blueprint | 6560000.0 | 5140.0 | 4000000.0 | 500001.0 |
MK9 Medium Shield Field Module Blueprint | 500.0 | 500.0 | ||
MK7 Large Shield Field Module Blueprint | 10400000.0 | 200000.0 | 4444443.0 | 200000.0 |
MK5 Small Armor Link Module Blueprint | 693000.0 | 3000.0 | 90000.0 | |
MK7 Small Armor Link Module Blueprint | 4870000.0 | 1000000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1000000.0 |
MK5 Medium Armor Link Module Blueprint | 806000.0 | 1.0 | 650000.0 | 1.0 |
MK7 Medium Armor Link Module Blueprint | 9170000.0 | 1.0 | 3800000.0 | 100000.0 |
MK7 Large Armor Link Module Blueprint | 4750000.0 | 600000.0 | 2500000.0 | 1200000.0 |
MK5 Small Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 159000.0 | 277.0 | 40000.0 | 3000.0 |
MK7 Small Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 1000000.0 | 1.0 | 100000.0 | 22222.0 |
MK5 Medium Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 3670000.0 | 217000.0 | 800000.0 | 300000.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 9530000.0 | 1320000.0 | 3200000.0 | 1360000.0 |
MK7 Large Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 18800000.0 | 3420000.0 | 7000000.0 | 3600000.0 |
MK9 Large Group Shield Booster Blueprint | 200.0 | 200.0 | ||
MK5 Small Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 1340000.0 | 6500.0 | 475000.0 | 6500.0 |
MK7 Small Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 3650000.0 | 1500000.0 | 2000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
MK5 Medium Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 19800000.0 | 81700.0 | 6000000.0 | 3200100.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 29100000.0 | 52800.0 | 16000000.0 | 2500000.0 |
MK9 Medium Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 500.0 | 501.0 | ||
MK7 Large Group Armor Repairer Blueprint | 18000000.0 | 1640000.0 | 13999999.0 | 3000000.0 |
MK5 Small Group Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint | 345000.0 | 3000.0 | 74999.0 | 3000.0 |
MK7 Small Group Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint | 473000.0 | 33300.0 | 74811.0 | 33333.0 |
MK5 Medium Group Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint | 4520000.0 | 100000.0 | 1400000.0 | 100001.0 |
MK7 Medium Group Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint | 16700000.0 | 850000.0 | 2100000.0 | 850000.0 |
MK7 Large Group Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint | 7400000.0 | 1600000.0 | 3498000.0 | 1600001.0 |
Railgun Collision Accelerator I Blueprint | 4640000.0 | 808000.0 | 2700000.0 | 1900000.0 |
Railgun Collision Accelerator II Blueprint | 79000000.0 | 35500000.0 | 69999999.0 | 46000011.0 |
Railgun Collision Accelerator III Blueprint | 55500000.0 | 11000000.0 | 39500000.0 | 31000000.0 |
Railgun Ambit Extension I Blueprint | 367000.0 | 10000.0 | 1000.0 | 10000.0 |
Railgun Ambit Extension II Blueprint | 14700000.0 | 3410000.0 | 7900000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Railgun Ambit Extension III Blueprint | 12100000.0 | 3360000.0 | 9000000.0 | 3445000.0 |
Railgun Discharge Elutriation I Blueprint | 37300.0 | 3370.0 | 500.0 | 5200.0 |
Railgun Discharge Elutriation II Blueprint | 6450000.0 | 5000.0 | 555555.0 | 5000.0 |
Railgun Discharge Elutriation III Blueprint | 7440000.0 | 5000.0 | 3000000.0 | |
Railgun Burst Aerator I Blueprint | 850000.0 | 93000.0 | 210001.0 | 250000.0 |
Railgun Burst Aerator II Blueprint | 29300000.0 | 11800000.0 | 26000000.0 | 16000000.0 |
Railgun Burst Aerator III Blueprint | 40700000.0 | 4730000.0 | 36999999.0 | 15000000.0 |
Algid Railgun Administrations Unit I Blueprint | 26600.0 | 635.0 | 2324.0 | 2500.0 |
Algid Railgun Administrations Unit II Blueprint | 2060000.0 | 7580.0 | 950000.0 | 11000.0 |
Algid Railgun Administrations Unit III Blueprint | 1630000.0 | 800000.0 | 1000000.0 | |
Laser Collision Accelerator I Blueprint | 627000.0 | 305000.0 | 500000.0 | 440000.0 |
Laser Collision Accelerator II Blueprint | 32100000.0 | 5270000.0 | 27000000.0 | 22000011.0 |
Laser Collision Accelerator III Blueprint | 29600000.0 | 6050000.0 | 20000000.0 | 10600000.0 |
Laser Ambit Extension I Blueprint | 76600.0 | 228.0 | 14999.0 | 888.0 |
Laser Ambit Extension II Blueprint | 907000.0 | 35000.0 | 290000.0 | 35000.0 |
Laser Ambit Extension III Blueprint | 2680000.0 | 230000.0 | 1500000.0 | 250000.0 |
Laser Discharge Elutriation I Blueprint | 5970.0 | 803.0 | 3800.0 | 5200.0 |
Laser Discharge Elutriation II Blueprint | 754000.0 | 101000.0 | 290000.0 | 101510.0 |
Laser Discharge Elutriation III Blueprint | 2430000.0 | 76100.0 | 1700000.0 | 76100.0 |
Laser Burst Aerator I Blueprint | 205000.0 | 8030.0 | 97000.0 | 38000.0 |
Laser Burst Aerator II Blueprint | 11800000.0 | 2820000.0 | 10000000.0 | 5128000.0 |
Laser Burst Aerator III Blueprint | 14500000.0 | 1640000.0 | 12000000.0 | 4000000.0 |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit I Blueprint | 3710.0 | 318.0 | 2499.0 | 3640.0 |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit II Blueprint | 491000.0 | 30000.0 | 380000.0 | 30000.0 |
Algid Energy Administrations Unit III Blueprint | 741000.0 | 205000.0 | 290000.0 | 205000.0 |
Cannon Collision Accelerator I Blueprint | 3650000.0 | 1440000.0 | 2450000.0 | 2000009.0 |
Cannon Collision Accelerator II Blueprint | 36500000.0 | 8980000.0 | 34750000.0 | 28000011.0 |
Cannon Collision Accelerator III Blueprint | 29100000.0 | 6290000.0 | 24000000.0 | 16000000.0 |
Cannon Ambit Extension I Blueprint | 387000.0 | 9860.0 | 100000.0 | 32000.0 |
Cannon Ambit Extension II Blueprint | 7490000.0 | 1160000.0 | 6400000.0 | 1299999.0 |
Cannon Ambit Extension III Blueprint | 16200000.0 | 1140000.0 | 11000000.0 | 1200000.0 |
Cannon Burst Aerator I Blueprint | 858000.0 | 225000.0 | 460000.0 | 300000.0 |
Cannon Burst Aerator II Blueprint | 22000000.0 | 3150000.0 | 17500000.0 | 11500069.0 |
Cannon Burst Aerator III Blueprint | 18100000.0 | 1560000.0 | 16000000.0 | 3000001.0 |
Cannon Metastasis Adjuster I Blueprint | 150000.0 | 509.0 | 30000.0 | 5500.0 |
Cannon Metastasis Adjuster II Blueprint | 4660000.0 | 504000.0 | 4200000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Cannon Metastasis Adjuster III Blueprint | 1930000.0 | 350000.0 | 1150000.0 | 350000.0 |
Decomposer Collision Accelerator I Blueprint | 2940000.0 | 32050000.0 | ||
Decomposer Collision Accelerator II Blueprint | 350000000.0 | 505000.0 | 349999999.0 | 54000000.0 |
Decomposer Collision Accelerator III Blueprint | 4600000.0 | 15000000.0 | ||
Decomposer Ambit Extension I Blueprint | 27300000.0 | 4600000.0 | 22000000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Decomposer Ambit Extension II Blueprint | 72500000.0 | 25000000.0 | 57000000.0 | 25000000.0 |
Decomposer Ambit Extension III Blueprint | 100000000.0 | 131000.0 | 99999999.0 | 200000.0 |
Decomposer Discharge Elutriation I Blueprint | 9030000.0 | 2690000.0 | 6000000.0 | 4550777.0 |
Decomposer Discharge Elutriation II Blueprint | 100000000.0 | 1200000.0 | 100000000.0 | |
Decomposer Discharge Elutriation III Blueprint | 108000000.0 | 583000.0 | 105000000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Decomposer Burst Aerator I Blueprint | 23000000.0 | 4590000.0 | 15000000.0 | 12300000.0 |
Decomposer Burst Aerator II Blueprint | 45000000.0 | 7860000.0 | 45000000.0 | 15700015.0 |
Decomposer Burst Aerator III Blueprint | 250000.0 | 15000000.0 | ||
Decomposer Algid Hybrid Administrations Unit I Blueprint | 3510000.0 | 1330000.0 | 1999999.0 | 1630000.0 |
Decomposer Algid Hybrid Administrations Unit II Blueprint | 58400.0 | 110000.0 | ||
Decomposer Algid Hybrid Administrations Unit III Blueprint | 250000.0 | 250000.0 | ||
Warhead Flare Catalyst I Blueprint | 75900.0 | 1230.0 | 6663.0 | 10000.0 |
Warhead Flare Catalyst II Blueprint | 3090000.0 | 648000.0 | 2300000.0 | 900000.0 |
Warhead Flare Catalyst III Blueprint | 5600000.0 | 244000.0 | 3500000.0 | 300000.0 |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I Blueprint | 16100000.0 | 8890000.0 | 15000000.0 | 13500000.0 |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II Blueprint | 103000000.0 | 14200000.0 | 88888888.0 | 77000100.0 |
Warhead Calefaction Catalyst III Blueprint | 82500000.0 | 14100000.0 | 68000000.0 | 50000000.0 |
Warhead Rigor Catalyst I Blueprint | 194000.0 | 845.0 | 6980.0 | 5000.0 |
Warhead Rigor Catalyst II Blueprint | 3850000.0 | 936000.0 | 2222222.0 | 1700000.0 |
Warhead Rigor Catalyst III Blueprint | 4500000.0 | 155000.0 | 3333333.0 | 155000.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition I Blueprint | 499000.0 | 52900.0 | 360000.0 | 161500.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II Blueprint | 17100000.0 | 5940000.0 | 15000000.0 | 9000000.0 |
Rocket Fuel Cache Partition III Blueprint | 15100000.0 | 100000.0 | 12888000.0 | 100392.0 |
Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I Blueprint | 250000.0 | 27000.0 | 105000.0 | 37004.0 |
Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II Blueprint | 16200000.0 | 5710000.0 | 14000000.0 | 11000000.0 |
Hydraulic Bay Thrusters III Blueprint | 11700000.0 | 1520000.0 | 6500000.0 | 2200000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator I Blueprint | 3590000.0 | 1940000.0 | 2900000.0 | 2800000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator II Blueprint | 54700000.0 | 28200000.0 | 49999999.0 | 40000000.0 |
Bay Loading Accelerator III Blueprint | 53000000.0 | 9510000.0 | 35000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
Core Defense Operational Solidifier I Blueprint | 38300.0 | 649.0 | 3555.0 | 2500.0 |
Core Defense Operational Solidifier II Blueprint | 426000.0 | 40100.0 | 190000.0 | 55000.0 |
Core Defense Operational Solidifier III Blueprint | 3440000.0 | 201000.0 | 740000.0 | 220000.0 |
Core Defense Charge Economizer I Blueprint | 356000.0 | 138000.0 | 210000.0 | 160101.0 |
Core Defense Charge Economizer II Blueprint | 10500000.0 | 6740000.0 | 9000000.0 | 8000000.0 |
Core Defense Charge Economizer III Blueprint | 13900000.0 | 2250000.0 | 8500000.0 | 3700000.0 |
Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard I Blueprint | 48100.0 | 928.0 | 1500.0 | 3000.0 |
Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II Blueprint | 2580000.0 | 108000.0 | 770000.0 | 450000.0 |
Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard III Blueprint | 5850000.0 | 400000.0 | 1700000.0 | |
Core Defense Field Extender I Blueprint | 1330000.0 | 350000.0 | 425000.0 | 491801.0 |
Core Defense Field Extender II Blueprint | 10100000.0 | 6250000.0 | 8499000.0 | 7000000.0 |
Core Defense Field Extender III Blueprint | 12000000.0 | 3890000.0 | 8499000.0 | 5050000.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint | 2950.0 | 203.0 | 700.0 | 203.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint | 2270000.0 | 11000.0 | 240000.0 | 20001.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer III Blueprint | 1800000.0 | 119000.0 | 600000.0 | 200000.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint | 1010000.0 | 391000.0 | 500000.0 | 510002.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint | 15200000.0 | 6040000.0 | 10000000.0 | 7515157.0 |
Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer III Blueprint | 13600000.0 | 3300000.0 | 11999999.0 | 7500000.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint | 9770.0 | 2510.0 | 1500.0 | 2540.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint | 1150000.0 | 2290.0 | 400000.0 | 10000.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer III Blueprint | 4580000.0 | 125000.0 | 1500000.0 | 124525.0 |
Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint | 91300.0 | 9230.0 | 15000.0 | 40999.0 |
Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint | 4000000.0 | 679000.0 | 3200000.0 | 1450000.0 |
Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer III Blueprint | 9230000.0 | 803000.0 | 2800000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Nanobot Accelerator I Blueprint | 312000.0 | 1380.0 | 500.0 | 2324.0 |
Nanobot Accelerator II Blueprint | 4590000.0 | 1220000.0 | 2899999.0 | 1511580.0 |
Nanobot Accelerator III Blueprint | 25300000.0 | 638000.0 | 22000000.0 | 910100.0 |
Auxiliary Nano Pump I Blueprint | 763000.0 | 336000.0 | 500000.0 | 445001.0 |
Auxiliary Nano Pump II Blueprint | 42800000.0 | 20000000.0 | 38000000.0 | 26000011.0 |
Auxiliary Nano Pump III Blueprint | 27700000.0 | 5390000.0 | 23500000.0 | 15000000.0 |
Remote Repair Augmentor I Blueprint | 110000.0 | 35.8 | 200.0 | 520.0 |
Remote Repair Augmentor II Blueprint | 4250000.0 | 4570.0 | 2700000.0 | 1310000.0 |
Remote Repair Augmentor III Blueprint | 3860000.0 | 588.0 | 1800000.0 | 75000.0 |
Small Trimark Armor Pump I Blueprint | 943000.0 | 412000.0 | 600000.0 | 555556.0 |
Small Trimark Armor Pump II Blueprint | 38200000.0 | 7180000.0 | 23000000.0 | 13250011.0 |
Small Trimark Armor Pump III Blueprint | 36800000.0 | 2440000.0 | 19800000.0 | 6000000.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Pump I Blueprint | 592000.0 | 173000.0 | 300000.0 | 275002.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Pump II Blueprint | 35500000.0 | 23600.0 | 25000000.0 | 15007008.0 |
Small Anti-Explosive Pump III Blueprint | 22700000.0 | 3440000.0 | 17000000.0 | 10000000.0 |
Small Anti-EM Pump I Blueprint | 57400.0 | 3420.0 | 3670.0 | 3671.0 |
Small Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint | 6330000.0 | 1800000.0 | 5300000.0 | 2000000.0 |
Small Anti-EM Pump III Blueprint | 7190000.0 | 958000.0 | 5650000.0 | 1207007.0 |
Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I Blueprint | 141000.0 | 10500.0 | 50000.0 | 30000.0 |
Small Anti-Kinetic Pump II Blueprint | 5220000.0 | 778000.0 | 4000000.0 | 1206826.0 |
Small Anti-Kinetic Pump III Blueprint | 15100000.0 | 1390000.0 | 8000000.0 | 3507007.0 |
Small Anti-Thermal Pump I Blueprint | 843000.0 | 3010.0 | 250000.0 | 5601.0 |
Small Anti-Thermal Pump II Blueprint | 9730000.0 | 993000.0 | 8999999.0 | 2251898.0 |
Small Anti-Thermal Pump III Blueprint | 7540000.0 | 1150000.0 | 5000000.0 | 1157007.0 |
Small Dynamic Fuel Valve I Blueprint | 906000.0 | 261000.0 | 800000.0 | 500001.0 |
Small Dynamic Fuel Valve II Blueprint | 11400000.0 | 3050000.0 | 9900000.0 | 8678548.0 |
Small Dynamic Fuel Valve III Blueprint | 14500000.0 | 491000.0 | 6000000.0 | 1600000.0 |
Auxiliary Thrusters I Blueprint | 8470000.0 | 4890000.0 | 7100000.0 | 6500000.0 |
Auxiliary Thrusters II Blueprint | 73800000.0 | 18700000.0 | 70000000.0 | 37000011.0 |
Auxiliary Thrusters III Blueprint | 29800000.0 | 7940000.0 | 27500000.0 | 19000000.0 |
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I Blueprint | 2970000.0 | 1850000.0 | 2300000.0 | 2100001.0 |
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II Blueprint | 21000000.0 | 2220000.0 | 19000000.0 | 16010000.0 |
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing III Blueprint | 24700000.0 | 4680000.0 | 14000000.0 | 12000000.0 |
Cargohold Optimization I Blueprint | 7330000.0 | 4000000.0 | 6400000.0 | 5000001.0 |
Cargohold Optimization II Blueprint | 17000000.0 | 2100000.0 | 15999999.0 | 12000011.0 |
Cargohold Optimization III Blueprint | 21700000.0 | 2320000.0 | 17999999.0 | 7501056.0 |
Higgs Anchor I Blueprint | 72000.0 | 5650.0 | 30000.0 | 21001.0 |
Higgs Anchor II Blueprint | 1290000.0 | 50000.0 | 950000.0 | 100000.0 |
Higgs Anchor III Blueprint | 4070000.0 | 59800.0 | 3900000.0 | 150000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer I Blueprint | 18200000.0 | 12900000.0 | 16888888.0 | 15000000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer II Blueprint | 199000000.0 | 32700000.0 | 190000000.0 | 165000000.0 |
Warp Core Optimizer III Blueprint | 153000000.0 | 6530000.0 | 145000000.0 | 88888888.0 |
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I Blueprint | 215000.0 | 6510.0 | 73000.0 | 6531.0 |
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Blueprint | 2780000.0 | 499000.0 | 1600000.0 | 955000.0 |
Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer III Blueprint | 3620000.0 | 226000.0 | 2000000.0 | 300000.0 |
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I Blueprint | 19100000.0 | 10500000.0 | 11000000.0 | 12500000.0 |
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell II Blueprint | 18300000.0 | 61001000.0 | ||
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell III Blueprint | 92600000.0 | 9420000.0 | 70000000.0 | 41000000.0 |
Capacitor Control Circuit I Blueprint | 32600000.0 | 21600000.0 | 30000000.0 | 27100002.0 |
Capacitor Control Circuit II Blueprint | 172000000.0 | 23300000.0 | 165000000.0 | 95500011.0 |
Capacitor Control Circuit III Blueprint | 178000000.0 | 21300000.0 | 125000000.0 | 46000001.0 |
Ancillary Powergrid Router I Blueprint | 5660000.0 | 2020000.0 | 3400000.0 | 2502001.0 |
Ancillary Powergrid Router II Blueprint | 56000000.0 | 24600000.0 | 49900000.0 | 37123589.0 |
Ancillary Powergrid Router III Blueprint | 36100000.0 | 5510000.0 | 29899999.0 | 12510000.0 |
Targeting System Subcontroller I Blueprint | 2520000.0 | 940000.0 | 1900000.0 | 1520000.0 |
Targeting System Subcontroller II Blueprint | 33000000.0 | 12700000.0 | 32999999.0 | 21000011.0 |
Targeting System Subcontroller III Blueprint | 31200000.0 | 5160000.0 | 19000000.0 | 8124521.0 |
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I Blueprint | 71400.0 | 7750.0 | 25000.0 | 25000.0 |
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II Blueprint | 3030000.0 | 450000.0 | 2444444.0 | 850000.0 |
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade III Blueprint | 32800000.0 | 1250000.0 | 16000000.0 | 2099999.0 |
Emission Scope Sharpener I Blueprint | 40800.0 | 3850.0 | 10000.0 | 12000.0 |
Emission Scope Sharpener II Blueprint | 1620000.0 | 116000.0 | 900000.0 | 220001.0 |
Emission Scope Sharpener III Blueprint | 12200000.0 | 1560000.0 | 10700000.0 | 2000007.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade I Blueprint | 14500000.0 | 4460000.0 | 11400000.0 | 10000010.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade II Blueprint | 53200000.0 | 7170000.0 | 41500000.0 | 32000000.0 |
Miner Efficiency Upgrade III Blueprint | 63900000.0 | 4890000.0 | 40000000.0 | 21099999.0 |
Miner Circulation Accelerator I Blueprint | 29600000.0 | 15000000.0 | 22000000.0 | 18500000.0 |
Miner Circulation Accelerator II Blueprint | 124000000.0 | 2690000.0 | 105000000.0 | 62500011.0 |
Miner Circulation Accelerator III Blueprint | 145000000.0 | 13300000.0 | 95000000.0 | 45099999.0 |
Miner Range Controller I Blueprint | 71000.0 | 3010.0 | 32000.0 | 3020.0 |
Miner Range Controller II Blueprint | 5810000.0 | 346000.0 | 4000000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Miner Range Controller III Blueprint | 5360000.0 | 1180.0 | 4000000.0 | 525000.0 |
Miner Algid Optimizer I Blueprint | 406000.0 | 406.0 | 7500.0 | 500.0 |
Miner Algid Optimizer II Blueprint | 862000.0 | 1.82 | 100000.0 | 420.0 |
Miner Algid Optimizer III Blueprint | 882000.0 | 1.0 | 399999.0 | 50001.0 |
Transverse Bulkhead I Blueprint | 71500.0 | 3.79 | 25000.0 | 2000.0 |
Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint | 4090000.0 | 4540.0 | 1200000.0 | 90001.0 |
Transverse Bulkhead III Blueprint | 4090000.0 | 10500.0 | 2299999.0 | 501007.0 |
Anti-Explosive Transverse Bulkhead I Blueprint | 4460.0 | 2.0 | 2500.0 | 2.0 |
Anti-Explosive Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint | 301000.0 | 1.0 | 100000.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-Explosive Transverse Bulkhead III Blueprint | 4090000.0 | 19.8 | 2900000.0 | 1500.0 |
Anti-EM Transverse Bulkhead I Blueprint | 3310.0 | 2.0 | 1499.0 | 2500.0 |
Anti-EM Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint | 398000.0 | 1.0 | 25000.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-EM Transverse Bulkhead III Blueprint | 1380000.0 | 19.4 | 688888.0 | 1500.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Transverse Bulkhead I Blueprint Blueprint | 1820.0 | 2.0 | 600.0 | 2500.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint | 110000.0 | 1.0 | 55555.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-Kinetic Transverse Bulkhead III Blueprint | 966000.0 | 1.0 | 500000.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-Thermal Transverse Bulkhead I Blueprint | 2740.0 | 1.0 | 1500.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-Thermal Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint | 141000.0 | 1.0 | 50000.0 | 1.0 |
Anti-Thermal Transverse Bulkhead III Blueprint | 1660000.0 | 1.0 | 699000.0 | 1.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor I Blueprint | 266000.0 | 24600.0 | 85000.0 | 100000.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor II Blueprint | 29400000.0 | 7600000.0 | 23000000.0 | 19250000.0 |
Sentry Damage Augmentor III Blueprint | 27600000.0 | 9030000.0 | 21000000.0 | 11000056.0 |
Drone Scope Chip I Blueprint | 3300.0 | 40.9 | 1800.0 | 2500.0 |
Drone Scope Chip II Blueprint | 346000.0 | 5000.0 | 120000.0 | 6000.0 |
Drone Scope Chip III Blueprint | 3460000.0 | 10000.0 | 900000.0 | 10000.0 |
Drone Speed Augmentor I Blueprint | 2950.0 | 187.0 | 300.0 | 2500.0 |
Drone Speed Augmentor II Blueprint | 10400000.0 | 2200000.0 | 6000000.0 | 5000000.0 |
Drone Speed Augmentor III Blueprint | 35600000.0 | 2670000.0 | 26400000.0 | 3000000.0 |
Drone Control Range Augmentor I Blueprint | 151000.0 | 5690.0 | 60000.0 | 16500.0 |
Drone Control Range Augmentor II Blueprint | 65200000.0 | 30300000.0 | 59000000.0 | 44000011.0 |
Drone Control Range Augmentor III Blueprint | 35000000.0 | 3000000.0 | 30000000.0 | 5000000.0 |
MK3 Acolyte Blueprint | 1140.0 | 12.4 | 500.0 | 56.0 |
MK5 Acolyte Blueprint | 567000.0 | 64200.0 | 200000.0 | 150000.0 |
MK7 Acolyte Blueprint | 1170000.0 | 75500.0 | 550000.0 | 110000.0 |
MK9 Acolyte Blueprint | 17400000.0 | 955000.0 | 11000000.0 | 1111111.0 |
MK3 Hornet Blueprint | 1270.0 | 23.2 | 20.0 | 101.0 |
MK5 Hornet Blueprint | 872000.0 | 45400.0 | 279999.0 | 100000.0 |
MK7 Hornet Blueprint | 1200000.0 | 101000.0 | 388888.0 | 104500.0 |
MK3 Hobgoblin Blueprint | 1030.0 | 20.5 | 500.0 | 101.0 |
MK5 Hobgoblin Blueprint | 1360000.0 | 104000.0 | 799000.0 | 510000.0 |
MK7 Hobgoblin Blueprint | 3250000.0 | 355000.0 | 1888888.0 | 2000000.0 |
MK9 Hobgoblin Blueprint | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
MK3 Warrior Blueprint | 3150.0 | 13.5 | 600.0 | 200.0 |
MK5 Warrior Blueprint | 397000.0 | 38000.0 | 139000.0 | 38000.0 |
MK7 Warrior Blueprint | 1000000.0 | 99700.0 | 255555.0 | 200000.0 |
MK5 Infiltrator Blueprint | 8790000.0 | 758000.0 | 4499999.0 | 3650000.0 |
MK7 Infiltrator Blueprint | 34700000.0 | 3960000.0 | 28000000.0 | 24000000.0 |
MK9 Infiltrator Blueprint | 29900000.0 | 510000.0 | 29498000.0 | 700000.0 |
MK5 Vespa Blueprint | 2980000.0 | 517000.0 | 1800000.0 | 1600000.0 |
MK7 Vespa Blueprint | 33600000.0 | 6000000.0 | 25000000.0 | 21000000.0 |
MK9 Vespa Blueprint | 591000.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
MK5 Hammerhead Blueprint | 12600000.0 | 1190000.0 | 9777777.0 | 5050000.0 |
MK7 Hammerhead Blueprint | 101000000.0 | 19800000.0 | 100000000.0 | 76000800.0 |
MK9 Hammerhead Blueprint | 40000000.0 | 802000.0 | 40000000.0 | 2000000.0 |
MK5 Valkyrie Blueprint | 3290000.0 | 351000.0 | 1799999.0 | 1750000.0 |
MK7 Valkyrie Blueprint | 20900000.0 | 5740000.0 | 15800000.0 | 14000000.0 |
MK9 Valkyrie Blueprint | 25000000.0 | 426000.0 | 25000000.0 | 500000.0 |
MK7 Praetor Blueprint | 6900000.0 | 490000.0 | 3000000.0 | 2000000.0 |
MK9 Praetor Blueprint | 7000000.0 | 7000000.0 | ||
MK7 Wasp Blueprint | 5130000.0 | 362000.0 | 2300000.0 | 1600000.0 |
MK7 Ogre Blueprint | 14000000.0 | 2580000.0 | 7399995.0 | 3034000.0 |
MK9 Ogre Blueprint | 64000000.0 | 1400000.0 | 50000000.0 | 1404160.0 |
MK7 Berserker Blueprint | 5240000.0 | 611000.0 | 2000000.0 | 700000.0 |
MK9 Berserker Blueprint | 1250000.0 | 1250000.0 | ||
MK7 Curator Blueprint | 7550000.0 | 1010000.0 | 3000000.0 | 1500000.0 |
MK9 Curator Blueprint | 7000000.0 | 7000000.0 | ||
MK7 Warden Blueprint | 18900000.0 | 532000.0 | 9000000.0 | 2600001.0 |
MK7 Guard Blueprint | 21700000.0 | 2620000.0 | 12400000.0 | 6000000.0 |
MK9 Guard Blueprint | 1760000.0 | 1755200.0 | ||
MK7 Bouncer Blueprint | 9100000.0 | 357000.0 | 2450000.0 | 1015000.0 |
MK9 Bouncer Blueprint | 10.0 | 10.0 | ||
Capsuleer Outpost Blueprint | 9800000.0 | 14.5 | 9800000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Standard Standup Small Missile Launcher Blueprint | 1750000.0 | 50000.0 | 1750000.0 | |
Standard Standup Medium Missile Launcher Blueprint | 1750000.0 | 50000.0 | 1750000.0 | |
Standard Standup Large Missile Launcher Blueprint | 1750000.0 | 50000.0 | 1750000.0 | |
Standard Standup Stasis Webifier Blueprint | 2625000.0 | 50000.0 | 2625000.0 | |
Standard Standup Warp Disruptor Blueprint | 3500000.0 | 1000000.0 | 2625000.0 | |
Standard Standup Energy Neutralizer Blueprint | 2625000.0 | 1000000.0 | 2625000.0 | |
Industry Service Center Blueprint | 8750000.0 | 15000.0 | 8750000.0 | 15000.0 |
Structure Construction Parts Blueprint | 10000.0 | 999.0 | 10000.0 | 5001.0 |
Structure Hangar Array Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Storage Bay Blueprint | 10000.0 | 2000.0 | 10000.0 | 2000.0 |
Structure Laboratory Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Factory Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | 5000.0 |
Structure Repair Facility Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | 5000.0 |
Structure Reprocessing Plant Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Docking Bay Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Market Network Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Medical Center Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Office Center Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Mission Network Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Acceleration Coils Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Structure Advertisement Nexus Blueprint | 10000.0 | 5000.0 | 10000.0 | |
Impairor White blade SKIN(permanent) | 10800.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Impairor Jagged SKIN(permanent) | 210000.0 | 3130.0 | 60000.0 | 5000.0 |
Ibis Ghost Bird SKIN(permanent) | 501000.0 | 1500000.0 | ||
Ibis Marty Kraken SKIN(permanent) | 1350000.0 | 2460.0 | 100000.0 | 6000.0 |
Velator Edge of Edge SKIN(permanent) | 4650000.0 | 2450.0 | 38000.0 | 5000.0 |
Velator Short-distance Delivery SKIN(permanent) | 33300.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Reaper Glory of Vakir SKIN(permanent) | 300.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Reaper Nefantar SKIN(permanent) | 323000.0 | 2020.0 | 35000.0 | 5000.0 |
Venture Trainer Mining Masters Emblem SKIN(permanent) | 55500.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Venture Mining Masters Emblem SKIN(permanent) | 223000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Retriever Mining Masters Emblem SKIN(permanent) | 804000.0 | 2500000.0 | ||
Venture Trainer Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 612000.0 | 2030.0 | 5000.0 | 5000.0 |
Venture Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 180000.0 | 1100000.0 | ||
Retriever Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 2920000.0 | 20000000.0 | ||
Procurer Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Porpoise Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 20000.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Covetor Wealth Explorer SKIN(permanent) | 20000.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Tormentor Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 20500.0 | 40000.0 | ||
Magnate Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 5500.0 | 9999.0 | ||
Punisher Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 50200.0 | 50169.0 | ||
Coercer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Dragoon Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Dragoon Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 14900.0 | 101.0 | 4999.0 | 108.0 |
Omen Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Omen Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 142000.0 | 128.0 | 50000.0 | 1000.0 |
Maller Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1370000.0 | 1999999.0 | ||
Arbitrator Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Maller Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 31800.0 | 1010.0 | 10000.0 | 20000.0 |
Merlin Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Kestrel Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 23.0 | 23.0 | ||
Heron Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Cormorant Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 16000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Corax Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1000.0 | 1000.0 | ||
Corax Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 37800.0 | 173.0 | 10000.0 | 3700.0 |
Caracal Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 358000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Caracal Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 142000.0 | 1770.0 | 35000.0 | 5000.0 |
Moa Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 65000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Blackbird Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 55000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Moa Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 25800.0 | 100.0 | 4999.0 | 100.0 |
Tristan Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 40000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Incursus Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Imicus Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 7710.0 | 14999.0 | ||
Catalyst Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 40000.0 | 60000.0 | ||
Algos Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Algos Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 25300.0 | 594.0 | 10000.0 | 1000.0 |
Vexor Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 80500.0 | 111000.0 | ||
Vexor Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 244000.0 | 477.0 | 20000.0 | 1201.0 |
Thorax Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 20000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Thorax Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 9500.0 | 100.0 | 1500.0 | 100.0 |
Rifter Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 33.0 | 60.0 | ||
Probe Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 155000.0 | 300000.0 | ||
Thrasher Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 19000.0 | 19000.0 | ||
Talwar Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 50000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Talwar Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 40600.0 | 100.0 | 10000.0 | 102.0 |
Stabber Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Stabber Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 116000.0 | 6.0 | 40000.0 | 100.0 |
Rupture Trainer Alien Hunter SKIN(permanent) | 24900.0 | 1.0 | 10000.0 | 20000.0 |
Tormentor Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 2.0 | 2.0 | ||
Magnate Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Punisher Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 17500.0 | 29000.0 | ||
Coercer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 11200.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Dragoon Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Dragoon Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 35100.0 | 23.4 | 12000.0 | 108.0 |
Omen Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 565000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Omen Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 156000.0 | 100.0 | 45000.0 | 500.0 |
Maller Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 56700.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Arbitrator Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 500000.0 | 500000.0 | ||
Maller Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 76700.0 | 250.0 | 20000.0 | 20000.0 |
Merlin Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 13600.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Kestrel Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 43300.0 | 60000.0 | ||
Heron Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 90000.0 | 89999.0 | ||
Cormorant Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 339000.0 | 2000000.0 | ||
Corax Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 75000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Corax Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 73400.0 | 100.0 | 20000.0 | 100.0 |
Caracal Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 5270.0 | 5000000.0 | ||
Caracal Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 169000.0 | 619.0 | 70000.0 | 5100.0 |
Moa Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 125000.0 | 125000.0 | ||
Blackbird Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 828000.0 | 3000000.0 | ||
Moa Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 564000.0 | 171.0 | 20000.0 | 250.0 |
Tristan Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 206.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Incursus Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Imicus Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 44100.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Catalyst Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 3000.0 | 3000.0 | ||
Algos Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 100000.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Algos Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 63800.0 | 77.6 | 8000.0 | 5100.0 |
Vexor Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 525000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Vexor Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 195000.0 | 100.0 | 75000.0 | 100.0 |
Thorax Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 46700.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Thorax Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 44900.0 | 100.0 | 10000.0 | 100.0 |
Rifter Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Probe Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 250000.0 | 250000.0 | ||
Thrasher Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 5500.0 | 11000.0 | ||
Talwar Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 5400.0 | 5399.0 | ||
Talwar Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 47500.0 | 29.3 | 100.0 | 1000.0 |
Stabber Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 43300.0 | 100000.0 | ||
Stabber Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 253000.0 | 8.79 | 88888.0 | 45000.0 |
Bellicose Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Rupture Trainer Holy Throne SKIN(permanent) | 120000.0 | 1.0 | 8000.0 | 25000.0 |
Executioner Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 5000.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Coercer Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 46700.0 | 110000.0 | ||
Omen Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 49200000.0 | 40300.0 | 38949999.0 | 100000.0 |
Omen Trainer Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 87000.0 | 200000.0 | ||
Prophecy Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 250000000.0 | 1000000.0 | 250000000.0 | 1000000.0 |
Apocalypse Red copper SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Atron Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 20000000.0 | 32200.0 | 20000000.0 | 200000.0 |
Catalyst Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 13300.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Vexor Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 6540000.0 | 21000000.0 | ||
Vexor Trainer Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 258000.0 | 650000.0 | ||
Myrmidon Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 1100.0 | 1100.0 | ||
Megathron Titanium silver SKIN(permanent) | 100000000.0 | 5000.0 | 100000000.0 | 5005.0 |
Condor Ochre SKIN(permanent) | 23600.0 | 110000.0 | ||
Caracal Ochre SKIN(permanent) | 74800000.0 | 335000.0 | 60000000.0 | 600000.0 |
Ferox Ochre SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Slasher Soot SKIN(permanent) | 13300.0 | 40000.0 | ||
Thrasher Soot SKIN(permanent) | 31400.0 | 120000.0 | ||
Stabber Soot SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Cyclone Soot SKIN(permanent) | 190000000.0 | 100000.0 | 189500000.0 | 100000.0 |
Xian-Yue Prototype Lunar Eclipse SKIN(permanent) | 101000.0 | 194.0 | 20000.0 | 10001.0 |
Coercer Earth SKIN(permanent) | 35000.0 | 60000.0 | ||
Catalyst Earth SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Thrasher Earth SKIN(permanent) | 27.9 | 25000.0 | ||
Maller Earth SKIN(permanent) | 23.8 | 250000.0 | ||
Moa Earth SKIN(permanent) | 125000000.0 | 23.8 | 125000000.0 | |
Rupture Earth SKIN(permanent) | 2500000.0 | 2500000.0 | ||
Moa Trainer Earth SKIN(permanent) | 60000000.0 | 2500000.0 | 60000000.0 | |
Corax Gas SKIN(permanent) | 24000000.0 | 1000000.0 | 24000000.0 | |
Algos Gas SKIN(permanent) | 4000000.0 | 4000000.0 | ||
Dragoon Trainer Gas SKIN(permanent) | 23300.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Corax Trainer Gas SKIN(permanent) | 26800.0 | 53000.0 | ||
Algos Trainer Gas SKIN(permanent) | 8500.0 | 12000.0 | ||
Talwar Trainer Gas SKIN(permanent) | 57200.0 | 101000.0 | ||
Prophecy Gas SKIN(15 days) | 110000.0 | 110000.0 | ||
Myrmidon Gas SKIN(permanent) | 870.0 | 870.0 | ||
Cyclone Gas SKIN(permanent) | 750000.0 | 1000000.0 | ||
Drake Gas SKIN(permanent) | 12500.0 | 25000.0 | ||
Purifier Fire SKIN(permanent) | 50000000.0 | 335000.0 | 49999999.0 | 1000000.0 |
Manticore Fire SKIN(permanent) | 125000000.0 | 50000.0 | 125000000.0 | 50000.0 |
Nemesis Fire SKIN(permanent) | 100000000.0 | 742.0 | 100000000.0 | 160000.0 |
Hound Fire SKIN(permanent) | 167000.0 | 250000.0 | ||
Scorpion Fire SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Typhoon Fire SKIN(permanent) | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Merlin Water SKIN(permanent) | 20000.0 | 20000.0 | ||
Rifter Water SKIN(permanent) | 200.0 | 200.0 | ||
Punisher Water SKIN(permanent) | 50000.0 | 50000.0 | ||
Incursus Water SKIN(permanent) | 10000.0 | 10000.0 | ||
Omen Water SKIN(permanent) | 77500000.0 | 10000.0 | 75000000.0 | |
Omen Trainer Water SKIN(permanent) | 31100000.0 | 20000.0 | 31111111.0 | |
Moa Water SKIN(permanent) | 200000000.0 | 520000.0 | 200000000.0 | 1000001.0 |
Thorax Water SKIN(permanent) | 1000000.0 | 1000000.0 |